Sunday, August 09, 2009

Sore belly

You know how it is when you eat something and the next day you suddenly find you're not the same. Today it happened. Even though I love food, I just couldn't do the Sunday eat as much as you like thing. I wouldn't mind there's enough fruit in the bowl to feed an army, but it's hardly the kind of thing a sensible person does when effected this way. So the fruit was off the menu. And about everything else was. So now after catching up with hydration and a few cream crackers I'm feeling a little better.

However, I have been a slob today. Only doing a little exercise when a prickly bush had to be cut back. It was about 9 a.m. and I very nearly put on the radio, but thought better of it on a Sunday morning. For some neighbours might not of appreciated the World Service. Instead I listened to LBC a London station and there was 2 hours of a talk show host. A very opinionated one, who seemed to do little more than slate Jordan/Katie and Ronnie Biggs. It seemed most of his callers were of the same notion about Biggs. Although given a sentence of 30 years in reality he only ever served 15 months of it. Then he spent his life in Brazil, living of the proceeds and his fame, until the money ran out. At this point the welfare system in Brazil must of had it's concerns on Biggs. He got one of our tabloid newspapers to fly him back to the UK. To which he then gave his story. In the meantime British Tax payers foot his medical bills and the few days of his life back in the UK. The entire tone of the radio show was one of very little sympathy. I can understand why. About as much sympathy as Mussolini meeting Beelzebubwould get, when being asked where he'd like a pineapple shoved. Of course old Beeb wouldn't even bother with asking the question. Hey Biggs how about it for some pay back?

I had a restless night last night as well. It has been so hot, the thermometer didn't drop below 24 Celsius. So dodgy food and a hot room played hell with sleep. I'm sure I had some weird dreams. I was woken up by the sound of a helicopter. It must of been someone from the local Mafia trying to outrun the cops. Or maybe there had been an all points bulletin telling any law enforcement persons not to be in a certain vicinity coz someone was about to have a jippy belly in the morning. But to tell them at 2 a.m. is not on. Well at least it got me out of cooking food. I need to take up some other hobby other than eating. Something which gets me out. Train spotting perhaps. Something Sparkling once told Rock Chick I did. Better get down the station then. I'll lay off the home made sarnies though, just in case.

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