Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Things to moan about 1, 2, 3....

I am sure I repeat myself at times, even writing blogs the occaisional deja vu feeling comes over me and I wonder if I've written this before.   It's a symptom of getting old and having more to moan about. I'm without doubt in part a GOM (Grumpy Old Man) it happens to most of us, men that is. The group of potentials who during their lives feel they never reached their full potential because they never had the chance, or made the chances, or had enough silver spoons placed into their mouth when born. Or had the right parents, ones you could feel acted like real parents, had proper jobs and gave encouragement. Hell, lets face it, some of us have a lot of material with which to fill our days moaning. Then sometimes you have to stop, and think this is a waste of life lets just get on with something else. Something more productive, like painting. Or going to the gym. Or even wondering about getting on with writing the novel, yes, the novel which each of us has got inside. I got to four pages and got fed up. So much for best seller, it'll be the shortest best seller ever, mind it would be easy for the critics to read. And as they are professional GOM then the convenience of a short book would probably get a rave review. There's wishful thinking for you.

Subjects of moans are quite common and many of us share the same ones. Kids, education, the NHS, traffic on the road, manners, especially the lack of manners and bad manners, which is quite profuse when people do not understand the etiquette's of different cultures for instance. Change in your pocket, dodgy pound coins which seem to find their way into the change and then you don't know how to get rid off them. Politicians, oh yes, they deserve a lot of moans and wasted breath just think of the cash for questions scandals and MPs allowances. All persons who have some form of authority, because they never understand or know how the people below them feel when making a decision which effects everyone. For making decisions at a high level often is redundant of ground level reasoning and facts. The weather forecasters because they always get it wrong. And those people who parrot fashion repeat what the forecasters say and believe it is word of the holly grail. Royalty for sapping taxes and so life blood out of the rest of the country when they should be like the average family. People who take advantage of the system, or systems for their own means (politicians again) but also those who choose not to work, and become life time unemployables. Taxes. Change. Bad smells.

Then of course in the words of Monty Python "always look on the bright side of life...."

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