Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Overhead power lines and a Monkey's Shoulder

I got into the pub late from the Fish Factory.  Sat down amongst a number of alcoholics and ordered my single pint.  I know I should stop going to the pub, but it's one of those easier said things than done.  It took a while to get into the habit so it will likely take a while to get out of it.  Besides the difficult part is trying to stop myself from going but I like the company and the winding down process alcohol gives.

I sat there and said hello to Mr Che Guevara Bag man as he sipped at a glass of red wine.  This is usually an indication of how long he has been in the pub, his regular tipple is Stella, then it's the red wine and lastly, absolute getting completely pissed state is indicated by a shot of whisky, Monkey's Shoulder to be precise.  Yes, it's a real spirit not made up.  A member of our chilled intoxicated group commented to Che his red wine was leaving a mark on his upper lip, an almost demonic kind of upper red fang look.  For me, this led to a moment of hilarity as he began to lick his lips in an effort to try and removed the marks being left.  It was like he had just devoured the most wonderful roast beef and was trying to find if any minute morsel had left it's trace on his lips.  It was like my cat Stinky licking the very last drops of cream stuck to his whiskers.  Unfortunately, my laughter just led to Che getting annoyed at me and spouting off some four letter words.  I didn't take it to heart and called him baby face.  It's the alcohol it makes people say things they wouldn't normally say.  Otherwise Che is very much a pussy cat who doesn't swear too often, and has to put up with the ignorance of uncultivated, uncouth Joe Public in his ordinary work. And they have been known to occasionally shout abuse at him.  Witticism can so often be lost on idiots, especially when it takes them three weeks to work out the punch line of a joke.  Well you had to be there.

Tomorrow I'm due to head up North.  I hear the train service East Coast stopped running today because some train which uses the overhead power lines broke down.  The thing is not all trains use the overhead lines.  The one I would get on is diesel run and doesn't, so a simple solution would be not to run those ones dependent on, you guessed it, overhead power.  Is it me or does it take a moron to actually not understand this concept.  I'm to harsh to judge.  After all the train line is rented by train companies, and different companies run the line.  The worst thing which happened to this country was nationalisation of the train services.  Oh well gone are the olden days.  Think I'll see if I can get a monkey's shoulder, maybe I'll take two for tomorrow, better make a sandwich, find extra clothes and even possibly contemplate leaving earlier than normal.  Snow, snow, go away come back on another day.  Preferably one when the idiots have laid in and are not running trains requiring overhead power.

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