Sunday, December 05, 2010

Wrapping presents and thinking of yesterday

I was stood at the kitchen table doing yet another stint of Chrimbo present wrapping, when the start of a wonderful Chrimbo headache began.  You know it's a Chrimbo one because there's a taste of Turkey in the air and the feeling of when-will-this-ever-end.  I thought about my earlier years as a growing up child, yes quite a way back, then wondered how long it mus of taken for my mum and dad to wrap up the presents.  I can't actually remember any of the presents, though I'm sure clothes was a popular option amongst the toys.  I recall also waking up dead early in the morning and there was not only presents but there would be a sock at the end of the bed or somewhere.  It would be crammed full of fruit, nuts and sweets. It all added to the excitement.  Though one Chrimbo I really needed to get up and have a pee.  It was then I ran into Father Chrimbo, who looked remarkably like my annoyed Dad with a sack of gifts.  I had waited ages before going to the loo and it was unfortunate I bumped into him.  I got told off as I ran into the toilet to have a piss.  At the time though relieving myself seemed more important than the sack he was carrying.  It's amazing at the little memories which come back.  I ripped off some sellotape from the wheel and was nearly finished with the present only to forget what it was I was wrapping and who it was to.  Fortunately it wasn't completely sealed so didn't need to be unwrapped. 

For a short period today I had the company of Monster Boy, I have him some pocket money and we went up to the shops.  Where he bought two comics.  One was the Simpsons and it had a trick bubble gum toy attached.  You offered the gum and the taker would then have a plastic beetle flick out on a spring.  It was very ingenious.  He then went and offered his mum Silly Sophia and his nan Big Moma, they both let out surprised squeals and laughed, Monster Boy meanwhile laughed even louder in his infectious way.  Bart Simpson is definitely one of his heroes.  Not to mention any Marvel comic character.  It's funny how children through their actions of children can bring so much happiness.  Of course they grow up at some point and then it's a wonder how they managed to grow up so quickly.  Just as little Rock Chick grew up to beautiful young lady Rock Chick.  She still has certain character traits which were evident when little.  I suppose we all have these present at a young age and only those who see us grow up recognise them.  Holding onto laughter is in my mind one of the most important traits of all.  I considered the pretending I was a child again, trying to get back into the child like mind of yesteryear.  The notion was short lived unfortunately.  I hope Monster Boy doesn't have the same issue when he gets older.  Because then he can think of me and maybe just this thought will make him laugh.  Merry Chrimbo for tomorrow Monster Boy.

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