Saturday, December 18, 2010

Snow today and Sparkles next week

Well the snow has come for a second time.  Sparkles had texted me yesterday to say she was worried about my being able to travel up North.  I assured her at the time there was no problem as the roads were clear and the train was a diesel so would plough through anything.  Then watching the weather report this morning as well as listening to the radio and finding three airports around London had closed I began to think this could be a sign of something.  The weatherman said it would snow at 10:00 a.m. but it didn't really start until an hour later. With all their technological advancements it seems the snow comes when it's ready to and not when anyone else tells it to.

I stood at the kitchen window looking out on the postage stamp garden.  Slowly the snow fell doing it's best to resist gravity, like gravity meant the inevitability of it's own sludgy death.  I'm sure all snow flakes feel this way, then they fall ontop of each other and bed up in their own company, probably telling stories of what it was like falling from their cloud, or how the wind bustled them about.  Or even the horror of almost becoming hail.  Yes hail! Snow's uncouth second cousin who just likes to throw it's weight about the more force the better, and didn't care about the fall from clouds because life for hail is about making as big a dent as possible.  I could see these conversations taking place, but in the midst of them the one other thing I noticed was how quite the world had become.  I could hear no birds tweeting.  The rail track isn't too far away and occasionally a train could be heard.  But not this morning.  There wasn't even much of a wind.  Just a stillness as the flakes gently fell.  Their tongues didn't scream either, they were now enjoying the last few feet of their ride down.  If only humans could fall from the sky so gracefully.  Then we wouldn't be humans, we'd be snow flakes instead.

So over the next few days I'll be checking out the weather forecast some more.  Paying closer attention to the train services.  Thinking about the warmest clothes I own and most importantly thinking how I can't wait to see Sparkles and the gang again.  Fingers crossed.  All I have to do now is be prepared. 

See you soon Sparkles.

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