Sunday, October 16, 2011

Lying scales, a monster and a Great Uncle

I don't know if the scales are lying, but when I stood on them at the gym they didn't groan like they usually do.  I think there is a combination of factors all coming together at the same time.  First there is the four weeks of having a dodgy tooth and only being able to effectively eat on one side of my mouth.  Then there is the sudden and inexplicable desire to got to the gym and actually to exercise.  I am now even able to run for thirty minutes on the treadmill again, which is an achievement.  In addition rather than eat two slices of toast in the morning I now just settle for one, I could say "it was the toast that made me fat" if this is the case, but it probably goes hand in hand with everything else.  There is the new premises the Fish Factory has moved to, which seems to make me walk about more often than I had done previously, partly because it really hasn't been designed well enough for people to work in.  And lastly but not least there is the odd bicycle ride.  All of these things must be having an effect.  I just might be losing a pound here and there, but I can't tell fully because the scales could be lying.  As we all know scales do lie.  Ask any woman, and the odd bloke.

Yesterday was little Monster Boy's birthday.  He became 11 years old.  He's not so much of the little and more of the growing boy, but small for his age.  I rushed to the shop and got him a book of 1000 scary horrible things and some colouring pens.  He seemed to like them both, marveling at a face full of boils and staring in disbelief at heart surgery.  Horrible thing interest little boys immensely.  I did ring him up this morning and asked if he wanted to go for a bike ride but he wasn't up to it.  It seems I am now being shrugged off by an 11 year old.  What will I do with myself now on a Sunday I wonder.  I saw Monster Boy's sister, Bam-bam this afternoon.  She is 18 years old and pregnant.  It is a young age to have a child, but she is positively happy and glowing with it.  Unlike her mother, Bam-bam has said she wants to return back to work within a few months of having her baby.  It's also remarkable to hear a young lady say this kind of thing, and certainly is admirable.  The bump she has is low in her belly and she is now at 26 weeks.  It makes me wonder if she will see the whole term.  It is odd.  I used to get bored senseless listening to women talk about babies and pregnancies in an earlier life, but hearing Bam-bam didn't bore me at all, she has an excited smile on her face and gives a commentary in delight.  The bump did a lot of kicking apparently when she was on a hen-night, he either liked the music or it was interfering with his nap.  I will be a Great Uncle.  Not just a good one, a blooming Great one.  Unfortunately it will take a few years before he can kick a football or go for a walk with me to the park, but I look forward to it.  Especially as the Monster has now decided to become a recluse to a play station.  Such are the whims of life.

In a short while, I shall be going to see Sparkling Eyes again.  We are hoping to have a holiday, or something along those lines depending on what is available.  My passport is ready and I'm waiting.  We will just have to wait and see what happens, but whatever it is, whether a week away or just a few days it will good to be in Sparkling's company again. 

I also need to get back into writing BLOGS, they seem to have stopped for the time being.  But like anything else, it will happen.  To date this is the most promising BLOG year against earlier ones.  A new high number is sure to be reached by the end of it.  I hope so anyway. 

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