Monday, October 17, 2011

Lying scales - yes Fatboy

Some really great news, the scales which measured my weight at the gym were indeed lying, they were out by a full stone.  For a moment there I was in an almost happy place, but now I'm back to where I was, fatboy.  Only for my hopes and aspirations to be dashed because of a set of scales.  I should of known, it takes a hell of a lot to lose a pound in weight.  It can't be done in an instance and certainly not in a few weeks, a stone is a mile away.  A true mile, perhaps even more.  Yes, much more than a mile. Oh help me someone.  A little over dramatic perhaps but you have to keep it all in perspective.  Yep, call me fatboy, I'll have to take the long view.  Bit by bit climb my mountain and one blooming big mountain it is to.  Give me strength, but don't give me a donut it will just tip me over.  Pun intended.

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