Friday, July 13, 2012

Chillax count from 1 to 10

The Fish Factory has been stressful.  Very stressful.  It is loud and difficult to work in because the work requires substantial cognitive functioning and it's too noisy to think.  In addition there are constant interruptions from people who should have the initiative to find out their own answers, who are paid more than enough for the local area and do

The entire workforce has been moved to a new building to work.  It's called the extra large, square boxed, chicken farm.  Officially it has been awarded various prizes for being an energy conserving building, however it is not a building made for people to work on.  The nature of a chicken farm is to get as many chickens inside roosting and producing eggs as possible.  Human being are not a great factor in this.  The building cost a mere one hundred million to construct, or so we were told.  It houses about between two and three thousand people. Because it was made for chickens there has been no real consideration of the environmental factors required for human beings to function.  There are two sinks on a floor of 300 plus people where they are expected to wash up their utensils.  If not those utensils can be put into a dish washer.  However, the dishwashers are not specially designed ones which can take repeated opening and closing, so of three dishwashers in one area two have already broken doors. 

Sound as mentioned has now become a torturous item.  The ceilings are concrete arches, there are few soft furnishings and there are no sound dampening devices anywhere.  So sound travels.  When groups of people are put together and some groups tend to talk a lot while others do not because talking would be detrimental to their working.  Personally I have taken to wearing ear plugs and ear muffs looking like an odd ball but having little choice in the matter.  It is difficult to keep a train of thought. Interruptions are not constant they are incessant.  I now find myself getting angry and unable to cope with this situation.  It is a nightmare.

While trying to get over this madness I spent a couple of hours in the pub.  There a man said to me there isn't a requirement to give an immediate answer on most things.  It is better to count from 1 to 10, to calm yourself first.  It was the best bit of advise I could of been given unfortunately about 12 hours too late. 

Relax chillax, 1, 2, 3, 4,....feel good warm thoughts and nice fluffy bunnies, 5, 6, 7, 8, ....who are those men over there with that nice white jacket they are holding?...9, and 10, that's it.  Just chillax.

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