Friday, July 20, 2012

What is "how are you?" in Nepalise

I had three pints of Amstel, and am feeling pissed because I usually drink Guinness and when I drink Guinness it lasts forever, whilst Amstel has to be drunk quickly while it is still fizzing away and cold.  It just seems to have turned out this way and I wish I'd drunk the Gunnesss but it is way too late now.  Heck, am dizzy and happy and missing all those people I really love.  Heck.  I shouldn't get drunk because I get so emotional and love everyone, I really do mean everyone.  I want to laugh and cry all at the same time.  It must be that alcohol brings out those emotions which are too often held back.  Or possibly it brings them out and allows them to be tapped into, much too quickly.  It's like going on a helter skelter ride, I'm all over the place.  Worst thing is I have to hit the Fish Factory tomorrow.  Don't matter.  At least by the time I enter the building I would of sobred up a little.  The cup of tea I'm drinking now might help out a little bit.  Thank heaven's for tea.

I popped into the chip shop on the way home and the man behind the counter recognized me.  The usual munch is a portion of chips.  I was pissed, but he must of been open seeing me as someone who had been the on and off frequently.  He anticipated what I was going to order.  Simple.  Just one portion of chips.  Nothing else.  He got it right.  My hoping is eating chips makes you more sober, when in reality alcohol makes  you feel peckish and needing something to soak up what you've drunk.  Even if it only happens to be three pints of Amstel.  The  chips were in the fryer.  Which isn't a surprise because everytime I go there it seems they have to actually cook the chips because they are not ready.  The man behind the counter engaged me in conversation.  Being I was pissed I was quite happy to converse.

I found out he was Nepalese.  I always thought so on account of his skin colour, size and eyes.  It seemed to make sense.  You can tell these things after a while.  He must of wanted the company or maybe it was my charm offensive.  People just love to talk in the right circumstances, everyone has their own story of life, each one is different and well worth listening to, I know.  This man told me he spoke four different languages and understood three more but could not speak them.  Blimey.  They were Nepalese, English, Norwegian and Russian.  What an odd mix I thought.  Very odd.  Only English was the European language.  It is wonderful to hear when someone speak a different language.  I noticed as I entered the shop the Nepalese man shouted out in his mother tongue a sentence to me.  I repeated it and he said I was good in my pronunciation.  It was simple "how are you?"  The problem with being drunk is although you're good at these things you forget them pretty quickly.  Don't ask me now what it was because, yes, I've forgotten it.  Anyway I like the people who run the chip shop.  Even though I know eating chips is no good for me.  The people are good people, they are warm.  Warmth is needed in a city like London where everyone has a hands off don't come near me or I will kill you mentallity.  I should learn Nepalise. 

I think I will.  Just got to finish these chips of first.

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