Friday, September 07, 2012

Autumn's defiant sun

It is such a beautiful time of the year, the first day of autumn has now passed, but as though in defiance the sun keeps coming out.  Summer has been wet and disappointing, but in comparison this narrow interface between the cold and dark hours of winter is turning out pleasant and relaxing.  When I leave the  house in the morning I just cast my eyes down at the grass and there is a white due on each blade.  It is wet.  But the sun is out and low and hard.  This defiance is strong, just like ringing out the very last drop of washing, for a moment it is so pleasant.  Walking from house to train station I am relaxed and enjoy each step, even if there is a slight chill in the air I know it will warm up, because the weather report says so.

If these moments could be bottled up, they would sell for a fortune.  Such a time comes to mind when I was on a beach in the Algarve enjoying a holiday.  Regardless of the stresses and strains of everyday life and existence, a slow walk and an appreciation of the beautiful things in life can be used to rise above them.

Now where did I put that lovely looking doughnut?

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