Thursday, September 13, 2012

Take a dose of laughing medicine...

Things have been getting me down at the Fish Factory. I don't know whether I am going to go mental and kill one of the bigger fishes.  Do it in a hideous way, like a thousand stink bombs crushed and thrown in the elevator just as they get in.  Then it stops and is stuck between floors with no fecking escape.  Oh what a fecking just deserves it would be.  Of course I'd then hand out chemical masks to the cleaners, as for the Fire Brigade they usually carry their own breathing apparatus.  In fact it would be sacrilege just to stop at one of the big fish, it would be best to catch a whole lot of them.  Just say the tea trolley has broken down and they are giving away free cakes but only to the top brass.  Yep, in for a pound in for a penny.  Saying some people couldn't organize a piss up in a brewery can even appear a compliment. 

I feel so much better after checking out comics on youtube.  I just come across this American satirist called George Carlin.  He was a short moany old git, but feck he is funny.  His specialism was taking the piss out of American society and life.  In the UK we have men like this, they are just called grumpy old men, and they don't get paid a fortune for standing on stage an hour mouthing off the groans.  They are considered as moaners.  George Carlin goes out on a stage, strings out a few more words than usual, and quite eloquently with a generous splattering of profundity, gets an entire audience laughing.  As I watched him though I could tell he worked hard at this shit.  There was a lot of thought gone into saying what he said.  The audience laugh because his satire is true.  It's things which everybody thinks in the back of their mind but dare not say.  Like Colin Powell actually being white.  Carlin passed away it was in 2008, but he's the kind of person who would argue at the gates of hell (if it existed) the heating wasn't hot enough.  To say the least.  Then he'd argue what the hell was a non existent concept existing at all.  For he is open in announcing there is no contest with religion being the biggest load of bull-shit there is, full of false promises and exaggerated claims. Carling comes across with attitude, it's wonderful to watch and I can't help thinking part of it could be down to his inherent short many syndrome, which every short man has.  I know I do.  Watching him has made me laugh and I know this is fecking great medicine when life is so fecking stressful.

I think I'll take a joke book with me when I hit the Fish Factory tomorrow and wear a t-shirt which says "I don't give a flying feck, now piss off."  It might turn a few heads, but who gives a shit?  Tell it to the hand coz the ears are closed.

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