Saturday, February 03, 2007


Sometimes when I do something, like question another person and they react towards me, I wonder if I have done something wrong. Whether there will be repercussions against me, and what they will be. Which I suppose is part of worrying when worrying is really no good at all. So it is like being in a waiting room for the dentist. I'm awaiting my appointment check up, it may be just a straight forward clean up or it could mean something else in a couple of weeks time. It's the waiting bit which plays on the mind. As I am now waiting whether my role as a Ritz man in a meet with a small fish against a big fish will lead to an accusation against me.

It's odd when stating the obvious how some big fish react. They may take offence, quite often this is because the poor little fish in the factory actually know some more. It goes on, on quite a big scale. For instance when the Chief Fish gives themselves a nice big £18 k payrise. Whilst ordinary cleaner fish who work part time may only be on an anual pay of £4k total. The higher up the chain a big fish is the bigger a head they get, the bigger a sense of their own financial worth. I wonder if they ever consider they actually become less liked by the little fish, looked on with distain and a nasty taste in the mouth.

So at this moment I am waiting to see the outcome of the meet. I know I did nothing wrong when I consdered the event in question. So I'll just have to see. I wonder if I should now contemplate a visit to the dentist, it's due. Thing is I have difficulty opening my mouth wide enough, unless I'm sticking my foot in it, and then it seems to go in quite easily.

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