Saturday, February 10, 2007

Some one likes the SSP

Spoke to Sparkling Eyes last night who was very excited about things happening in her life. Going from 24 hours to 16 hours work a week, running as a Scottish Socialist Party (SSP) Councillor in a very Tory ward, how she saved the life of a budgerigar from a deppressed existence and her dedicated support for funding and building of a local community centre. Not forgetting her requirment to do some work on an SSP stall and go to meets. She spoke with energy, enthusiasm and purpose. Then tried to get me to go to a Socialist party meeting. I grabbed my nearest crucifix and waved it about, she then said I should even try going to a Tory party meeting just to find out what they were about. At this point I then jumped into a bath of holy water and chanted verses from Revelations. My response was her enthusiasm had effected me so much I felt like now putting in my membership of the Liberal Democrat Party or perhaps the Labour party. I then mentioned in London there did not exist a SSP party and noted the Socialist were raving lunatics too hard core for my liking. I was not going to be persuaded. No way Jose.

A short discussion then ensued at how I was a lazy shite, and needed to put more effort into my Ritz man activities. I deliberated on the state of my branch union and how it could be a very powerful body if some of the key members had the ability to come together rather than the internal fighting going on. Politics and incompatible personalities seem to go hand in hand. How on earth the political system works is mind bending. Especially when we all end up with some trumped up self important idiot in power. In psychology they call this risky shift. It's where the opinions of the whole are shifted to a more extreme view because of the extreme voters and you end up with a leader/event/choice no one really wanted. Sparkling Eyes put me to task as she usually does whenever she feels like it. I sat back and took a little ass whooping. Sometimes you just have to, but it doesn't stop me from loving her, even if she's a member of the Reds, I appreciate and accept her opinion, it's valuable. Just as I'll stand by my own opinion. Now what would life be like with out such events I ask.

I may get to see little Monster Boy this morning which will be wonderful, the most difficult thing is getting him to stop talking about Doctor Who. Last time I tried bribery which worked half way. It was a nice and pleasant respite. Perhaps I'll try again when I see him. Maybe it is all a case of people will do what they feel they have to do. Sparkling Eyes will be a torch barer for socialism, Monster Boy a Doctor Who fanatic, me a lazy shite. Lets rephrase, me a concerned deliberator who ways up the pros and cons makes evaluative decisions from an informed view point, after he's watched a good DVD. Actually i've been watching fewer than I normally do and writing more blogs. Freedome of expression thank heavens we all have it.

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