Monday, February 12, 2007

Checking out Parliament

Today I went with the retired English Teacher, Green Car man and a Tacit oriental to see Parliament. It had been organised through our Member of Parliament by the ex English Teacher. I and Tacit man had to meet ex-teacher at the train station, at the prescribed time of 9:40 a.m., Green Car man was going to make his own way into London and had admitted he found outings of his sort were at times stressful when the pressure was on to be at a certain place at a certain time. Tacit Oriental man met me outside the station, he looked like he'd just got out of bed his eyes were all puffy. I was eating a sausage roll even though I'd had breakfast. English had got off the train to greet us, he will be going up to London again tomorrow to begin his course in Chemo therapy so this was his exercise and preliminary run.

The tour took about an hour and a half, we had to wait outside the doors for 20 minutes because some idiot had set of the fire alarm earlier. There was a group of school children who could not of been older than 9 or 10 years at most, and I couldn't help wonder if Parliament was the right place to bring them at that age. All would of been in one ear and out of the other I have no doubt for such young ears. On taking the tour we walked through some large rooms which were ornately decorated with paintings and often gold leaf. The tour guide said they were priceless. Paintings of kings and queens were on walls left and right in the Royal Gallery. In one gallery the paintings looked poor, I commented to Green Car man they looked no better than pieces an A'level art student could of put together. We saw the Lords room and then the Parliamentary room. The Lords sitting area again was quite ornate an area behind the speakers chair where the monarch would sit at times, again in gold leaf. The seats were of a red leather, and tourists were not allowed to sit on them. Whereas the parliamentary area was quite plane, with very little in the way of any decoration, green leather chairs and noticeably the public gallery had a fully enclosed layer of bullet proof glass. The parliamentary building had been bombed in 1941 so what we had seen was what was built after the war. Whilst the Lords Chamber had survived the second world war it's ornate design was about 160 years old. The decoration of the royal gallery and the Lords chamber only did one thing to me, get up my nose. I felt a cloud of anger shadow my disposition.

Time and time again tax payers put money into government and then it goes to support royalty when it could be used on hospitals, public transport systems, the poor anything but glorify a trumped up family we term as royalty. A family of parasites who will forever be parasites and never know the realities of real working life.

Some misled people believe they have been abducted by aliens. I can only think they are suffering from some kind of mental illness. But just supposing it were a real event and just supposing some people were abducted and never returned. Now if I were an alien I'd mark the cards of the entire Royal Family and lineage. I'd take them out of their cushy little palaces they have built, experiment on them and remove all vestiges of the royal demeanour. I'd then return them impregnated with the thought they were all ordinary working people. Maybe slap a couple of ASBO's on the odd blue blood just to help them blend in a bit more. Then I'd magically removed royalty from every record ever kept, up to Cromwell. Who would of been re-written as the man who did us all a favour and chopped their heads off. Cromwell, Cromwell oh why didn't you go further? Maybe he had a square head and it got stuck in one of his round helmets.

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