Friday, February 16, 2007

Parcel arrives

Well Sparkling Eyes said she had sent something. All I knew was it was a parcel and should of come on Valentine's Day. I had asked her if it was something I could eat. The answer was yes. And although I had probed to see if she would say, Sparkling Eyes kept stoom. She would not let the cat out of the bag. I'd even reasoned along the lines of how she had to always open things up before the day, or make a very good guess. When on one Christmas she had guessed 8 out of 9 prezzies just by feeling the wrappers. It can be so soul destroying. This time I was the recipient. Even when there was a mix up of address she did not say what it was. Then I found out when I got home this evening.

A giant box awaited sitting on the settee, taking up space for two persons. The wrapping tape said not to use anything sharp to open it. Which was a puzzle coz how can anyone take off such tape without using a knife? So I was careful, and edging a knife under the tape managed to take it off. The box was light for it's size, which should of been a clue. For there I could see a big Valentines balloon in the shape of a heart. There was also a basket with a half bottle of white whine and a box of delicious chocolates. Wow, am I so lucky. Sparkling Eyes has hinted to me now, about sending flowers on valentines day, and said she wants to be surprised. I'm guilty the dozen red roses were not a surprise, but were nice. So next year what will it be, I'll start thinking about it now then come the next 14th February I just might come up with something a little different from flowers.

The chocolates were marvelous, the wine went down so quickly and my head is still in a dizz. Am I so lucky or what?

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