Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A rant on teenagers and their alien makers

Well headed back on the train to London and had the company for a short while of Revenues woman. She was going on a training exercise of some kind but didn't know what it was about. Seemed like she'd not even been given an agenda. So much for organizational efficiency.

Odd how on the return trip time goes a little quicker, usually I close my eyes and dose off to sleep for an hour or two and Kapow before I know it London has arrived. But of course it's all relative. Time is the same it just depends what you're doing, or expecting, or what have you. Half way I began listening to some Snow Patrol and felt sad, real sad. Pangs of Sparkling had hit me. I over come it before becoming a blubbering fool in the middle of a half carriage of people. All I can say is Sparkling makes me very happy and feeling lucky. She is wonderful. Though I really must admit giving her the bull shit button early was a mistake. I heard it punched a few times. And I didn't really think I was much of a B.S. talker. Sparkling must think otherwise. But I did use it once or twice on her to, it helps if you sit next to it at the time.

Rock Chick started the day with an inability to hit school. The effort to finish off her education which is only a few more weeks is taking it's toll. After this life will never be the same. It don't matter how much Sparkling tries to reason with Rock or how much anyone else does, Rock just has this averse ability to attend classes. Personally I'd of thought the amount of grief she has to put up with it's better to go to school than hop it. I can't help going crazy over it as well. I wish school paid me an EMA when I stayed on, by itself it would of being a pretty good incentive. Well with school ending this summer it will mean she had better take a serious look for a job to fill in the time.

Sometimes I feel so old or out of touch or just very, very frustrated at teenagers. When the opportunities for study are there and they don't understand what they are being given. But as I've said, it all comes down to motivation, motivation inside the individual. You can't inject someone with your own motivation, they have to find theirs. And it don't grow on a motivation tree in the garden where you can go and eat some fruit and be eager to carry on. Perhaps it's because motivation only comes from being self directed and making mistakes. In comparision to school work is tough. Work is very tough, and your can't live without earning money. Every single teenage kid should be made to work, given real work suitable for their abilities. As a teenager, these abilities would probably be low. Sweeping up, or picking up leaves, or something. Yep, something difficult, demeaning and tough. It should be compulsory and then they make a decision whether to continue with this work or get an education. I bet ninety per cent of them would take the easier option and go back to education. But they don't know how easier education is until they have worked. It's almost a Catch 22 situation. It's so sad when you want better for them and they just don't get it. They just don't understand there is no light being switched on, short term gratification is what matters.

OK enough of my rant, teenagers I think were made on a different planet and sometime during a child's growing up they are kidnapped by aliens and the teenager is put in their place. They are made differently. Sensibility is not a part of their ongoing vocabulary, they know it in theory but in reality the lights are turned off. Must be the way the little green men manufacture them, on account of the little men being so small they can't reach the light sockets, so all the substituted teenagers have no lights. Well not all. Just nearly everyone I've met.

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