Sunday, March 01, 2009

A multi talented phone

I've found a function on my phone, recording audio. So those thoughts I used to have when drunk or just walking along the street I can now speak into the phone. I've always found it odd how clarity comes along this way. A stream of description. In a time and a place but usually with no means to note it. Now though the means exists. I recall the other night after being drunk I witnessed a game of poke, Texas Hold em style. I wanted to put it into words what I'd witnessed. Unfortunately I had no means, to my knowledge at this point.

Six men who were rather an odd bunch, a dwarf, a black man who drank black coffee, a man who had lank long hair he was skinny and reminded me of the character called Shaggy from Scooby Doo. Another skinny man with a balding head who crossed his legs, one character who had a little goaty beard and sat there sucking on a surrogate plastic cigarette because smoking is prohibited in law now and lastly the greying and amenable figure of a bloke I knew who just liked to play the game. It was a completely weird bunch of people I had thought and I had seen them all sat together around the table, all watching with concentration as the cards were passed round.

When I left the pub two of them had been knocked out of the competition and I survey a suspicious eye on the dwarf who had some kind of PDA device on the table. He lightly touched the screen with a stylus. Although my thoughts of this experience were running along in a clear but drunken state there was no place for them to be put. Now it'll be my phone.

I used it a couple of times today. As I walked down my road. It's pretty good as it picked up the sound of a crow squawking in the background and a train. Although only problem could be I look odd talking into my phone. Of course not, it's a phone, it's what you do with a phone. Talk into it, silly. Now talking into a proper audio recorder, yes, people would look at it and think it odd. Strange.

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