Losing weight is bloody difficult. It's difficult for a reason. It was Oscar Wilde who said "I can resist everything except temptation" no truer word has been spoken when it comes to food. Food which tastes good. But food with a taste may not actually be healthy. For example, chips. Chips with salt, vinegar and perhaps a little bit of tomato sauce. They're hot, you've just bought them and the vinegar is steaming off, as you take a nicely coated chip the waft of vinegar stings your eyes just a little bit, you place the chip in your mouth and it explodes with salt, vinegar and steaming heat which sometimes may burn your mouth. But it tastes very nice. Especially after a pint or two, or particularly on a cold day. When it's raining the difficulty then becomes keeping the rain off your chip bag so it doesn't get too soggy by the time you are half way down the bag. You know what I mean, don't you? And if anyone hasn't had a hot portion of chips from a chippy then they haven't lived. Cholesterol thumping, zillion calories bad for you, but hell don't they taste goooooood!!! Which is as good a reason as any why it is bloody difficult going on a diet and losing weight.
So to help I've tried to understand what it takes to lose weight by spending a few minutes looking at web sites and reading bits and pieces. Only of course to then check out something infinitely more interesting. But the facts are along the lines of, to lose a single pound in weight you have to burn 3400 calories. I didn't add an extra nought this is the figure I got. So, if you had to lose ten pounds in weight then you would have to somehow burn up or reduce food consumption to the value of 34,000 calories. This is now becoming obscene. But I haven't finished. When I go to the gym and do my fat man running routine I get disappointed at seeing the number of calories which have dropped off in a half hour session. After which I am pretty well shagged out and am not up to do much more aerobic exercise. Half an hour burns approximately 350 calories, give or take a little. The amount burnt off depends on how much you weigh, your gender and I guess how honest you are with the effort. I notice some people will stand with their feet astride of the running belt while it spins round and they have a moment's rest, this is cheating, cheating, I so wish I could stand for an hour and lose weight and not break a sweat. So losing weight, which nobody actually does, like how can you lose weight, and if you did where would you lose it? So reducing your weight by one pound will take approximately five hours of continuous running. If this is, my calculations are correct. A single pint of Guinness is approximately 350 calories, and most other pints of beer will be more or less around this mark. Again this magic number is the same as the effort to run for half an hour. So I'm now feeling like I am not actually getting anywhere. I also found a new fad in training techniques, it was to build up muscle and not just to spend half an hour running or rowing. The reason behind this seems to be as your muscles get bigger they burn up more calories when they are doing nothing than a smaller set of muscles. Weird. Read it for yourself. Of course when I tried to have a closer look at these web sites promoting this type of exercise I only got so far, because they then wanted to lighten my wallet. This wasn't the kind of weight loss I had in mind. Scientifically though, I don't know. I just don't know if this is something someone has said or whether it has been justified. Then to become a fat cat web site owner, I expect it might mean a few porkies have to be told now and again, although strictly speaking not entirely porkies but you know what I mean.
Fact, to lose weight you have to reduce your calorie intake. This will mean either not eating so much or changing your eating habits. So now when I have a portion of chips I no longer eat the whole portion. I'll eat some of it and throw the rest away. I wish I could say the same about chocolate, but I can't. Changing eating habits is hard. Bloody hard. Saying this one easy method I came across and is quite common sense, is to masticate every mouth full of food for 30 chews. This allows the saliva to do it's work and prepares it better for digestion. Further it takes time. This is an important factor. For with any meal it is only after about twenty to thirty minutes the stomach actually starts to feel as though something has been eaten. I mean. Given you were in an eating competition you could absolutely stuff your face for thirty minutes before feeling the need for a good puke. It's quite simple, just take your time while eating. I sat with my plate of Chinese at lunch time and managed a unique feat. Reading the news online via mobile phone and counting from one to thirty while eating. I didn't think it was possible but I did it. One side of my brain must of counted and the other read the day's news. There's not a great deal more I can do on account of only have two sides to my brain so I probably maxed it out.
Lastly, it is a fact the brain gets pretty hot when it is working. It has a unique system of keeping itself cool. It's own radiator in a sense. This is the Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF). Now I'd of thought if the brain runs hot then it would be possible to use up a lot of calories just by thinking. The CSF isn't pumped around the brain as far as I know, but it is there to provide temperature control. So in one sense it's possible to say the brain can act like a muscle. As muscles exercise they get hot and burn energy, as a brain exercises or thinks it too gets hot. The only thing with a brain is it does not have muscles in it. So I'm not entirely sure why it gets hot. Maybe it's because of all the neurons firing. Well better to be a neuron than a moron. So I still have no idea of sitting here and thinking of exercise or thinking of food actually helps to reduce weight. In any case it does keep me entertained. And I haven't got up once in search of a chocolate biscuit. So it must of worked.