Monday, July 25, 2011

Big Momma has been swearing

Big Momma has been having a bout of swearing.  She has just been dropping a lot of those words which builders use.  The F word and the C word.  The worse thing is she has been doing this in front of her grandsons.  They spoke to me in confidence saying, "I love Big Momma but she has been swearing a lot.  I want the old Big Momma back.  She's lovely." What can I say.  She does what she does and is not a state hired granny but a full and propper granny.  I am sure she will revert back to her ordinary knitting-clothes-for-babies-self in no time.  But let this be said, sometimes a good swear is good.  It acts like a release valve.  I know, I've had the F word used on me a few times, come to think of it, even the C word.  However, I don't let it get on my rag. 

Just as I have realised, staying as calm as you can in any situation, will only be in your favour.  They usually ride themselves out.  Unless you happen to be talking about someone who is a 100 percent C word.  Fortunately, there's not too many of them about.

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