Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Custard pie for the billionaire

It seems someone with a sense of humour tried to throw a custard pie (shaving foam) into the face of a billionaire media God.  The wife lept to his defence like a tiger or is it dragon, but being half the age of the billionaire lets not call her an old dragon.  Unfortunately after this event the public and press were no longer allowed to watch the spectacle as the eighty year old defended his omnipotent and limited actions of his own newspaper.  It's a shame.  We all know the reality is the media God and his aids should of been strapped into a style so the public could throw all kinds of detritus at them, because in reality they should be made to suffer humiliation.  It's there in the back of everyone's mind.  Personally I have decided not to purchase this man's newspapers.  All I can hope is a large part of the public come to their senses and do the same.  Unless of course they are each allowed a moment with a custard pie.  Oh it would of been so good to see the episode re played time and again on YouTube.  How the mighty should fall.  Especially when they have been raised to billionaire status.  Billionaire God like status.  For all purposes incredibly rich people are latter day Gods.  Well, mortal ones anyway, if they can escape a custard pie it doesn't mean they can avoid the grave.  Although good diet, food, relaxing billionaire lifestyle probably go a long way to helping avoiding it, for a little while anyway.

I woke up this morning after two and a half pints last night.  My head is a little bit sore but not full blown hangover.  Sparkling as usual did not reply to my texts so I guessed she was working.  A quick phone call to my mate L & B man who always entertains my slightly tipsy moments.  Later Sparkles texts me to say she heard me on the phone, because L & B had been in her house I guess.  She avoided me.  How unfair.  If you are drunk it should be law you are allowed to make nuisance of yourself for at least ten minutes to any sober person you want.  Then the next day they have the right to hit you with a custard pie.  Well, they should be allowed a little compensation.

It's so sad the days of Charlie Chaplin have gone.  But mark my words, the custard pie will return.  Long live the custard pie.

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