Friday, July 29, 2011

Farewell to a fish

Someone left at the Fish Factory today.  He'd been made redundant, had worked for 24 years and now was off.  Blimey 24 years just like that, all over with.  People he'd known, friends made, chit chats had and all to end today.  At least he didn't wear a suit and was cazh (casual dressed).  A nice bloke.  It made me think a bit of my own place in the pond.  How the inevitable was soon to happen, soon in this case being the next three plus years.  When my efforts to climb the ladder and actually get to do a fish chopping job I like; then big boss of the ocean has decided it will all go.  So typical how some huge whale comes along and bosses about the other fishes, and doesn't really understand the roles they play.  Doesn't understand the cogs in the wheels.  But at some point will strut their gills forwards and say with emphatic and loud burps "I did this...I did that...had I not done the world would be a worse place..."  What a load of old twaddle.  There sure are too many whales out there in this world strutting their stuff and pulling their weight.  Making themselves look good, when they are not doing anyone any favours.  Just looking for their own little pot bellied egos to be stroked.  "oh you are so good Mr Whale, the world is a changed and better place."  When the reality is the world is not a better changed place at all.  Whales I have learnt have little brains, so there's a lot they don't take into account.  Little brains and big mouths. 

Well there's only one choice left, become a turtle.  Then I'll be able to pull my head into my shell and pretend nothing exists outside of my own comfy place.

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