Sunday, July 17, 2011

A cricked neck

I don't know what happened.  It was moment OK the next a twinge and gradual descent into pain.  My neck was cricked.  At first I could ignore it.  Then I was adapting to it, allowing for it, giving in to it, but the more I gave the more it took.   Neck and shoulder became stiffer, without realising it I could not turn my head at all.  Instead tending to turn my body to face people and talk to them.  The little twinge had become a fully blown  pain in the neck of the highest order.  I felt like I was doing a Robo Cop impersonation without the dramatic music.  Every movement became excruciating and only sitting as still as possible helped.  Each  minute made it worse.  Even when I had a couple of pints of Guinness it didn't seem to take my mind off it.  I was hoping a little intoxication would do the trick.  But, inside I was screaming to just lay down and try to sleep through the whole episode.  Then hopefully when I'd wake up it might feel better. At least in sleep you can momentarily forget most things, providing you're able to get to sleep in the first place.  Which I then found, sleeping with a cricked neck is difficult because then you have difficulty finding the perfect position to lay in.  The pose where it all goes away and I could close my eyes to forget.  I preyed on one thing, that as I slept I didn't move and make it worse.  What a pain.

The next day it seemed to mostly go away, except it is now a total of 3 days and there is still a twinge there.  I'll not even attempt any gym, I just don't want to exasperate the thing.   As though it has a mind of it's own and by being kind to it, it will be kind to me.  I've had encounters with people I thought were a pain in the neck but this real crick is worse than them.  We've had rain for the past 3 days as well, perhaps my body is now sending messages to me.  Like some people who have arthritis and know when the weather is changing.  Maybe my neck will have different pains with different meteorological conditions.  Rain means cricked.  Well I can take it easy for now and have a good reason to while away the day being a couch potato and watching the golf.  Imagine being there in Sandwich and trying to turn your head just after the ball's been hit.  What a pain that would be.

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