Friday, January 27, 2012

A Great Uncle, at last

Well I knew I was good, and even considered myself a good uncle but now I can officially say I am a Great Uncle.  Yes.  I am great.  My niece Bam Bam has had a little boy.  This may well be one of those additional signs of getting old.  Getting very old, or getting bloody old.  I  hope not though.  I don't have my own children on account you can't give away your own children, because they kind of get attached to the hip.  Except as honorary step father to Rock Chick.  But I do have nephews and nieces and now a great nephew as well.  Blimey.  It is so good to be great rather than just good. I'm chuffed.  All day long since I woke up this morning and checked my mobile phone to the message I have been in a happy mood.  Though I'll not see the little one at the moment.  Mum and babe will stay in hospital for a couple of days to recuperate.  Bam Bam eventually had him by cesarean section and had gone three days and nights without sleep.  Poor thing.  I hope she now gets a chance to recover. 

Now I have to work out what the duties are of a Great Uncle.  Besides the usual bit of pocket money and feeding false information about my girl friend being Kylie Minogue.  Which Bam Bam actually thought was true for a number of years.  I tell little Monster Boy the same thing but also add in Lady Ga Ga.  Well, you have to keep up to date with the latest pop scene and impress them.  However, I get the feeling Monster has caught on to my little fibs because he can carry an air of witty sarcasm.  He's too sharp for his own good at times.  The he is a nephew and not a Great Nephew so he's probably holding a grudge, until the next time he goes out for a bicycle ride and the ice creams are on me.  Well, I'll keep my hair on as long as I can, just so the new nephew can see his Great Uncle isn't a baldy.  I might be a little fatty, but I'm not a baldy yet.  Unless you happen to hear the comments from Sparkling.  Who believes the hair line is in recession.  Awwe.  She's just jealous of Kylie and Lady Ga Ga.  I certainly am not jealous of her fling with Michael Buble.  He can sing but I'll let him have that for now anyway.  But he definitely isn't great like moi.

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