Sunday, May 27, 2012

Seeing a belly in the mirror

I rode my cycle today, with a purpose.  To hit a clothes shop and buy some trousers.  So on my back was a rucksack.  The sun was hard, but there seemed to be a nice breeze as well.  Unlike my usual habit of wearing jeans I was a bit more sensible and wore shorts.  With a t-shirt.  Just so as to keep as cool as possible.  My arms caught the sun and I think my ears might of as well.  While shopping I caught the sight of my figure in a full length mirror and thought to myself it was not a pretty sight.  Where on earth did I get such a belly?  Like it had been transplanted onto me over night.   In reality I know it is the accumulation of too much food.  The more I eat the fatter I get and I have got to somehow try and get a hold of myself.  I've even wondered about checking out diet sites so as to get a plan on what to do.  Yet whatever plan it is, it will be no good unless I am motivated to follow it.  I remember once when I put my mind to it I went and lost 17 pounds in weight, it took about 3 months and it became more an more difficult towards then end.  I just had to work harder, with more and more exercise and much less food.  I have since reverted back to my fat man normal size again.  So whatever it is I have to do would mean a lifestyle change as well.  It's so much effort, especially when I like food as well. 

Tomorrow I'll be back at the Fish Factory.  It seems like everything is just hard going there and no let up.  No release, just incessant fishes all over the place.  It makes me wonder why I'm doing it, what am I doing and I ask why is it those people I manage just don't think for themselves. Well it's not worth a thought now I'd rather have a good night's sleep.  I'm sure when I wake up in the morning my belly will still be there.  Oh for a belly transplant as much as a fish factory personnel transplant as well.

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