Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A second coat of Lemon Pie

Well the second coat of Lemon Pie has gone up in Sparkling's kitchen.  It only took about five hours taking into account tidy up time.  Sparkles said she'd had enough of listening to radio 4, it was making her feel depressed.  I tried to say it was interesting and could only be put down to the tone of voice the presenters had.  I changed radio channel and found the pop music equally did my head in.  Sparkles fortunately had been asked to start work early, her view was work would be more interesting with listening to the youngsters.  I clearly have a boredom factor I'm not aware of, or I am aware of but didn't understand to what extent it was effecting Sparkling.  After I finished L & B man turned up for a cuppa and a chat.  He seemed to be interested to see if there was any porn on TV because then he could tell Sparkling and get me into trouble.  I must remember not to watch documentaries on TV about nudists, which is what got me into trouble in the first place.  L & B comments the kitchen looks OK but it could look better.  Typical.  Sparkling eventually turned up after work and thought it looked good.

Sparkling likes to always challenge me about the things I do.  It is as though there is a constant test going on.  I have to pass it every time otherwise I am in trouble.  I'd spent a lot of time during the evening listening to audio's of David Allen's Getting Things Done.  Sparkles asks what it is all about.  Then has to interject and disagree with everything I've said.  Whatever it was I was reading she would have to disagree with the opinion and come up with her own.  I am then asked of all the things on my lists to do where did she come.  I advised her she was the biggest thing on my listing.  This seemed to make her happy and take the heat off.  She was glad about this because if she wasn't on the most important thing then it was over.  We would of been no more.  Bloody ell.  Which came from nowhere.  It's funny how a woman's mind works.  In a mysterious way for sure.

Next time I think I'll just stick to painting the walls and listening to music radio which I don't like.

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