Sunday, August 19, 2012

Heat and disturbed sleep

It's been another hot day and hot night, I can just about count on one hand plus an odd finger the amount of hours sleep I got last night.  It was so hot I found the cup of water I bought to bed with me had dried up before I'd even had one sip.  We are just not used to the heat when it does come.  There are too many extremes in this country.  Give me a stable environment and leave it at that, at least then there is no need to buy different types of clothes for different times of the  year.  The sun came out with a vengeance this morning just to say if we thought it was too hot last night it didn't relent.  Seeing as sleep seems to be a dirty word over the next few days I'll just do my best to evade it, and then I'll be seeing things.  It's said if you deprive yourself of sleep you do get to hallucinate.  I know there is something which goes on with the brain chemistry when asleep, it gets a chance to reset itself so you are ready to be conscious and think about all sorts of stuff during the day.  The process of thinking just knocks out the chemicals and they have to all come back again at night.  Possibly dopamine or something. 

Sparkles has told me how she woke up in the night seeing a white mist over her bed.  It was about 2 a.m. she screamed.  Got up out of bed, ran through the mist and turned the light on.  Her neighbours didn't react and come knocking to see what had happened.  I looked it up on the internet, and there are two schools of thought over the matter.  One it could of been the spirit of an angel or some someone who is protecting the sleeper.  This seems to also be based in religious historic text.  Well, whatever it was it scared the shit out of Sparkles so did the opposite of what it was supposed to do.  I told Sparkles so hopefully now she knows it is something with good intentions she'll hopefully not get to worked up about it.  The other explanation is based in the real world.  Being stressed out, too hot and not getting enough REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement).  This is the sleep you get when dreaming.  Sparkling is suffering from hot flushes which is true, and she probably is not getting enough sleep because of the hot flushes.  It's a catch 22 situation.  You need sleep to get sleep but you can't because you can't get to sleep. It seems the white mist is a hallucination as a result of not enough dream sleep.  Sparkling recalled the time when I sent the image of a giant red Indian to her.  I used to have him stand on my lawn when I was having sleep issues. He was there to scare away all the negativity.  She says he will not work a second time, I offered the red Indian's sister, but she wasn't sure about this image.  Then asked if she would like an animal.  At which Sparkles said a hedgehog.  She has one which turns up at the back door every now and again and she puts dishes of cat food out for it.  I could see the hedgehog straight away.  A big blooming one.  With all those spikes on in no negativity would dare venture around Sparkles.  Hedgehogs are friendly as well.  Well they certainly are to Sparkles.  She takes care of them so I'm sure they or the image of a giant protective one will  help Sparkles with a little sleep.

I keep drinking water.  I can't help myself.  I had a one and a half hour Sunday walk this morning and drank a bottle of water.  I got home and drank more.  I did the garden lawn and rested.  So did about two to three hours of exercise overall.  I feel productive having done it, it would of burnt up a lot of calories and now I'm trying to keep an eye on my food.  Sitting up straight is the fist discipline, after which everything else falls into place.  Discipline your mind on a small constant thing then it will follow with other stuff later.  I should weigh myself and do it properly, set goals and know if the exercise and dieting actually is working.  I'm borowing one of Sparkling's motto's, I wana be fab at fifty.  Tomorrow is another day.  So bring it on heat, I can take it, I eat curry madras, puts your mitts up baby.  Look out here comes the giant hedgehog, awwwe, he sure is cool.

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