Friday, August 24, 2012

CBB, rain, a pinched umbrella and a dream

Well last night, try as I might, and I blooming did try, I just could not get connected to Celebrity Big Brother (CBB).  In frustration I left a message on the web site telling them they were under warning if this continued then I'd give up even bothering to view CBB.  I'm now two episodes behind and am itching to actually see them.  It must be the nosey Parker side of me kicking in.  Reality TV with guinea pigs all for the convenience of the viewer.  Lovely.

We are about to go into a bank holiday weekend, each bank holiday is usually marked by rain.  So on que last night's weather report indicated was of torrential rain over the entire weekend.  This will come in handy to test out my newly acquired (found/lifted) umbrella to see how well it works or not.  The only issue I have is whoever it belongs to recognises it and then approaches me to say it is theirs.  It's odd how I possess now two good umbrellas and both of them were picked up because someone else left them behind.  The one I purchase tend to either get left behind by me or broken.  Cheap umbrellas don't work.  So don't do it, stay out of the rain rather than buy a cheapy, I know.  There are knotches on my wallet where each one marks the loss of money to a cheap umbrella.  Fortunately there's not many of them.

I woke up this morning coming out of a weird dream.  Sparkling was in it.  I had a feeling of loss.  Some other man was in the process of taking her away from me.  Like all dreams it was scrambled up.  It's the feeling which was disturbing. I saw Sparkling working in a posh food place.  It was open where you could see the chefs.  There she stood making crepes, I saw her use an implement to spread the mixture on the crepe maker device.  She wore her black cooks outfit.  Her hair looked great and it seemed to me she was completely in her element and enjoying what she was doing.  I was trying to somehow influence my dream because I had woken and dropped back into a dream state again.  It didn't seem to work. However, that's life, conscious mind can not control unconscious mind.  I got up late. Well, being a bank holiday weekend no matter how manic it is in the Fish Factory means you can take it easy.  Unless of course you happen to be going out into the rain, with a half-inched umbrella.  Like I could be.

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