Friday, August 03, 2012

Boredom leads to a little devli's delight

The problem with boredom is it makes you do things you shouldn't do.  The little devil which jumps up on your shoulder every now and again has a bit more fire in his belly.  He has a little more influence.  Then without realising it you have done something and couldn't help your actions.  It takes willpower beyond anything to stop from following the red, shoulder sitting midget.  So it has just happened to me a few minutes ago.  I've been on blooming Amazon again and got some items I could do without.  One of which is a book and it will likely sit in a space somewhere waiting to be read or getting half read with all the other half read books or not started books.  It's a little bit of a fetish book collecting, I love it and can't help it.  I do my best never to bin them, and rather just drop them into a charity shop so some other book lover can enjoy.  But it wasn't just a book on order, there was also a mechanical pencil, damn another more up to date fetish as well.  There is something I love about writing with mechanical pencils, the lead doesn't need to be sharpened, it writes a smooth and depending on the lead purchased can be pretty consistent.  Further there is no effort in the writing.  Lastly, pencil can be rubbed out, and time and again this feature has proved itself to also be useful.  There is nothing quite as messy looking as indelible ink which has been striked through to show it was a mistake.  At least erased pencil is usually pretty faint or invisible.  The last item purchased was a small wireless mouse to go with a recent laptop purchase.  The mouse has a nice pattern on it, a blue, black and purple kind of paisly pattern.  The design is a year old but it had a number of high ratings and looked good.  It was a bargain.  The little devil was telling me it was a bargain and seeing as my willpower from boredom and a single pint in the pub had ebbed the little devil won.  And just to think I had been so good with my finances all week long, just to get blown away in a few clicks of a mouse and five minutes on Amazon.

This drop in willpower was probably because due to sitting straight all week long.  It is a natural thing to slump in a chair while, to get in a relaxed position while at the Fish Factory.  Physically it is good to keep a straight back. Even trying to walk with a straight posture has been a continual test of willpower.  Sometimes it slips but it's been the week's flavour.  The thing is what works in one area can also rub off in other areas.  Until of course temptation gets a little too much.  OK the spine may be just a little straighter, but a raid on the packet of chocolate biscuits probably hasn't helped the belly.  It must of been the little red fellow again, he must of given me a poke with his mini trident, it could of been a stab in the eye even, just so my gaze would happen to sit on an open packet.  The top chocolate bikky revealing itself in an almost sexy and provocative way.  It was speaking directly to my sub conscious or unconscious mind, then definitely loudly in my very awake mind.  Hand shot out took the bikky and just as automatically it was being crunched.  I remember it now.  Very nice.  At this time there was another bout of boredom as well.  Between tea brewing and the already eaten slice of toast, the bikky hit the spot.

So next time I feel an urge to buy or eat something there is only one thing which will likely combat it.  Being busy.  It's plain and simple, the little devil man thing, lives on the wings or a boredom episode and then strikes.  He's camouflaged.  It only takes a little whisper and before you know it the waistline is bigger and the wallet is lighter.  Pity it wasn't the other way round.

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