Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A note on Celebrity BB

I've been catching up with Celebrity Big Brother and again it is amazing to see the dynamics of human relations in a confined space, a great reality and psychological experiment.  The odd thing though seems even amongst low ranking listed celebrities there is the odd one which comes across as mentally unstable (Jasmine).  They are like children, as they have the same underlying emotional inabilities of a very young child.  They can be histrionic and worse have a tendency towards bully like behaviours.  Being famous or part famous is not a marker of mental stability. obviously. Regardless of how well kept and beautiful these people appear to be on the surface, they are just still people.  If you take away the aura of fame and wealth there is no difference from any other person.  I think this would go for any individual regardless of their status, when you get beyond things such as they way they talk, walk, clothes worn, hair style or bodies there's nothing outside of what can be experienced in ordinary every day land of the not so famous, rich, wana be popular etc.  I'd even go so far to say some are boring and there is people in the real ordinary world who are much more interesting personality wise.

Further, forgive me if I am wrong on this, or indeed point out examples I am wrong, it appears to be worse in females than males.  For bitchiness can only really come out well when a woman does it.  Is this a gender divide in normal behaviour I ask myself, and probably can only come up with one answer, yes.  But it is entertainment to watch.  Young males (Ashley), lets say in their early 20s to mid thirties also act differently around each other.  They act like boys or lads and in so doing when forming groups have a bully like feel to them.  They can be loud and brash and swim in ignorance like sun block on a hot Greek beach.  They are also very poor judges of girls. Big Brother should of provided them all with books on the politeness of behaviour with girls and got them to understand a little maturity can go a long way.

There is one actress (Julie) on celebrity BB who I thought I would never like as a person, but in the house she appears as quite a pleasant individual.  Another female contestant (Coleen) pointed out she had heard rumours about this actress as being a bitch in person and believe a game is being played.  But then being anything but  yourself for 24-7 is difficult.  Unless she is so very well disciplined and is able to disguise her true nature in other ways.  It will only be as time goes on these things will be revealed. What this space fellow Celebrity BB watchers it's early days yet.  What is noticeable though and shared also in the earlier for the common people BB is the heightened sense of paranoia individual's have with each other.  There is nothing to occupy their selves other than discussion about each other.  Or to impart experiences etc..  They are feeling the water, getting to know each other and clearly there are impressions gleaned.  Sometimes it has to be taken as fact, one person (Rhian) will never get on with another (Jasmine) person they are just too different and their traits conflict, this is life.  Even though individually they may be very nice people.  In a small place though there is nowhere to go and hide and avoid each other.  Maybe this is why they then get so paranoid.  I suppose there would never be a BB with just a single person sitting a room.  Mind I'm sure it's not out of bounds to consider some characters are so feisty they could have an argument with their own reflection (Jasmine), or so nuts (Jasmine) they have interpersonal issues with most of the other housemates (Lorenzo, Danica etc) unless they (Jasmine) is actually smarter than their anorexic waist size and are playing the game.  How interesting it all is, or should I be saying how screwed up.  And I thought families were bad.

BB should consider calming medication.  I'll take two with a cup of tea and a bit of toast thanks.

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