Monday, August 27, 2012

The Inner Bitch....when it comes out to play

I expect most people have an inner bitch.  It is something I keep under control as much as I can, because bitching doesn't solve anything and it is really another form of having a good moan about the world.  The world is not equal, everyone is different and bitching just highlights this.  It doesn't change things or make things better.  However in the back of my mind the bitch kicks in every now and again, the little voice which sometimes whispers in my ear whispering more than it should.  It does this especially when it feels someone is trying to hoodwink me, someone is being inconsistent in their behaviour, when I know quite differently things don't add up.  In others it is publicly witnessed on TV, constantly present with high profile personalities, especially politicians, female celebrities (lets face it women do bitch more than men); comedians who make a complete career out of it; newspapers which again are obviously politically biased and perhaps worse of all when one group of people engenders notions of the world they want to impose on other people who don't share those notions.  Religion comes to mind easily when extremist views conflict with cultural norms, e.g. covering your face or demeaning of women.  It is however quite normal for everyone to have their own ideas and beliefs in the world.  The world would be a pretty dull place if everyone believed, dressed and acted in exactly the same way.  Then we'd be nothing but clones.  Except this will never happen because individually we all have our own personalities and these will kick in again.  Just as the bitch which belongs to those personalities will have it's say.  Even if it does get suppressed.  However, some people have a greater bitch than others, unless they are being hoodwinked, then my bitch comes out and thinks something is amiss.  As has just happened watching a clip about a recent movie remake.

So there is Colin Farrell trying to give a reason why a recent remake was remade in the first place.  The interviewer had asked a relatively genial question, which wasn't hostile or personally enquiring.  Yet Farrell had began an answer as though he was arguing with himself.  You got it.  It's to do with the remake of Total Recall.  What he is trying to do is justify the making of the film and no doubt his massive pay day.  It's nothing to do with his Irish accent, it's just the way his mouth is shooting off in all directions.  This man doesn't believe in what he is saying, he can not justify the making of the movie.  What he says is perfectly true, it's not as though he is actually slating the movie, but it is the long winded, unconvincing manner in which his delivery comes across.  He displays dissonance.  Next there is an interview with the actress Jessica Biel.  She is asked whether there was much training she had to do for the fight scenes.  It is an action film after all.  But again her comments are unconvincing.  Yes, she did have to do training, they do things differently from film to film, which is obvious.  Yet, she is really remarking.  I did some training, I learned my parts both physically and mentally, but at the end of the day I got paid a lot of money for something I can not justify as an actor.  They just do well editing all my bad bits out.  I look great and got paid loads for being young and having nothing between my ears.  See what I mean about the bitch coming out.  Farrell on his interview commented in a near sarcastic way "It's not a $125 million exercise in nostalgia, so I think there's some people that made up their minds before a frame was shot." Well, he has stated the obvious.  For $125 million almost any kind of sci-fi action movie could of been made, so why the hell do a remake of one already classic in itself?  This can only be in anticipation for the slating the movie is going to get.  Farrell knows inside himself, this movie will not break box office records.  Biel sits happy on her pay day cheque and knows she will be in other films because this is the start of her career.  The director and the producers however may find their skills less required once the reviews have come out.  Their conscience should be getting a bit of a kicking at this moment.  They'll work again, but maybe in something of a lower budget, something for Luxembourg TV.  Yes the smallest country in Europe if you didn't know.  Meow.

I'm being bitchy because they seemed like normal human beings.  They are A class celebrities, I nearly put A class actors there, meow.  They didn't seem to me as special or important in any way.  They are not.  It's just how society sees them.  We pay the wrong people the wrong wages.  Footballers don't deserve what they get, they do deserve a living wage but not a one which reaches the stratosphere.  The argument is they have a skill which not many other people have, so they are worth a lot of money because of the skill they possess.  I don't watch football, I don't rate the skill they have but the other millions of people who do watch will rate it.  It would be more impressive to me if they all had doctorates at universities, if they were esteemed in some other manner other than kicking a ball about.  I've heard about the secret footballer who writes for a newspaper, he is intelligent and world class at football, but he keeps his identity a secret from everyone.  The reason being is if he came out in public as smart then all those lads who love footy because they see the men on the field as normal ball kicking idiots were to find one who was not, they'd think somewhat weird.  He'd then be chastised because he was not common, and was not so much interested in his looks, girls, money, gambling and drinking.  Here is a man who hides away because he breaks the mould and by breaking the mould he'd then be shitting where he eats.  In my mind he is actually being bitchy to his own supporters.  The ones who pay his wages.  Even gay footballers are now coming out, that's an intended pun.  Clearly though, some people are like to keep their real personalities out of the media for fear the media will disown them.

This could be true.  If I were to find out my hero, who played the part of Superman, Batman or Spiderman and was a nasty bit of work, I'd not want to watch them.  I think.  Then I can be a hypocrite.  Or if my hero was a famous writer and they were shown to be a not very nice person it would stop me from reading their books.  There are exceptions, this is the hypocrite side.  My opinion of Tom Cruise is of a person who may be four short of a six pack, who when I see being interviewed I cringe.  Who as a scientologist is no doubt completely off this planet, pun intended, in many ways. I just have this feeling inside, which I can't help.  I just don't like the man.  Yet, I will watch the movies he stars in, they are usually action packed have great special effects and fast story lines.  I'd never watch him for his acting ability, because I wouldn't rate it, but the movies have entertainment value.  He's short.  Meow.  So am I, yet he gives Short Man Syndrome the reasons for being called Short Man Syndrome, just like Napoleon did. I'd not waste time watching him be interviewed, and when I see the actresses he has married, I can only think they to must be a few pieces missing from the Monopoly board.  Otherwise they wouldn't of gone of with the short arse in the first place.  Poor Nicole Kidman and Katie Holmes, I wonder if they have plaques on a wall somewhere which mark the unsuccessful days they had with Tommy.  They are probably engraved with the signature of a top notch psychaiatrist which says "cured of the Tommy syndrome" I hope so.  I used to like them as well.  Until they got hitched to the Tom.  Hell we all make mistakes, but some are bigger, even though they are shorter, than others.

I've gone on too much and nobody in their right mind will read this.  If you do leave a comment and say what a waste of life it was, like your good bitch inside would.  Thank you.

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