Monday, December 03, 2012

Growing a moustache

I've been growing a moustache now for a couple of weeks. It's odd how people view you when you look different. Sometimes they can not even recognise me. They look twice. The smallest of changes and visual perception is completely turned upside down. As I grow my tash it begins to change, or rather I am growing it differently. Shaping it more. It's going to be a bit bigger in the next couple of days as I start to train it downwards just a very small bit at the sides of my mouth. When I was looking in the mirror a thought occurred to me, I wondered, if I put on a cowboy hat whether I'd start to resemble one of man from Village People. I hope not. But I just couldn't help wondering. Growing this thing on my upper lip is actually challenging. It challenges everyone who sees it. Some want to say something and the odd one hasn't made any remark at all. It's odd, because I'm expecting them to at any moment. I'm waiting, it's going to happen, probably, so it's just a matter of time. When you look different people just cant help themselves, they have to comment.  The ones who don't are just suppressing it, or they have already had a good gas to someone else.

It's a thick looking moustache. Mostly dark brown but as the years wear on I can see tell-tale signs of grey in it. So it's more of a salt and pepper moustache.  The kind which is utterly unique and comes at this stage in life before I go completely grey and lose every hair out of my head. It's always been a bother why my beard growth has been so thick and uniform rather than being musketeer like beauty which is naturally shaped and looks handsome.  It just grows and there's nothing I can do other than shape the thing. Which has to be done when I shave, well round the sides it does, but the actual length of the tash is a bit thicker than it was. A right thick hairy caterpillar it be. As it has got a little more length to it I find myself grooming it with my fingers as I run my index and thumb over it. It's not as hard and prickly as it was, the ends have softened. Maybe it's to do with drying out and getting washed a lot. However, the thickness does remind me of how thick my hair used to be, hair on my head.  I would actually like a more whispy delicate one, but it's not going to happen.  It could very much be mistaken as something which belongs to a Gay man.  If it is the thing some Gay men wear nowadays.  I so hope not. Well I am old enough now and ugly enough to pretty much not care what people think.  Now it's getting grown out of bloody minded abstinence at those who have commented. It's like sticking up two fingers to them, in their face so to say. It's good to be a rebel even a thick moustached rebel.

Sparkling knows I've been growing it but she has not seen what it looks like. I am wondering what she will think, I know she will say something, and depending on her opinion it may be on or off or again depend on how bloody minded I feel.  It is good to be different from anyone else. The number of people I know who have moustaches is small, certainly less than a handful. So maybe it says something for moustache growing men. They are different, they don't need to impress and don't have to worry about public opinion. Either this or they're just saving on razors. Well there's always more than one reason for doing something.

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