Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Return the Fish

After a wonderful break from the Fish Factory I found myself thrown into work, I wasn't quite sure if I should allow myself to be thrown, so ended up getting up late, then ringing up the Factory just to make sure I was due to come in. I was. No way out now. I was tossed back like a nipper the fisherman thought was too small to be worth eating. Unless you were a pigmy, on a diet in love with Gillian McKeith. Not many of them about I'm sure.

I spent the entire day doing a single piece of work, because of a phone call. Each time I looked at the item I noticed something was wrong. Incorrect and had to be solved before the next part could be completed. It was a struggle, uphill all the way, and as I walked up different sources of information were thrown at me and each contradicting the other. In a balance of probabilities and several grey hairs popping up, I did it. Exhausted. This little fish had just swam like a lunatic towards the boat and jumped high enough to get back on. Squelch, didn't think the fisherman would tread there. Maybe I should be paid more for what I do, I thought.

So what happens when we eat up all the fish? Consumed. Berry, belly. Then the fish have to find somewhere else to hide. All I can say is it's bloody lucky I'm not an elephant, because the fisherman would of had a pretty big surprise.

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