Monday, November 10, 2008

I saw a Grinch run off with Crimbo

I can not believe how quickly Crimbo has come, these are words which will be echoed throughout the country over the next few weeks. It is as though the very word itself has some warning attached to it. And it does. There is no hiding from it. It is coming. Coming like an express train whose wheels have been doused in grease. With serious momentum there is nothing able to stop it. Nothing except. I hesitate to say. The Grinch! With open arms I waved at him and wished him well as his large fat green bottom waddled down the street. He was laughing to, for he has taken away Crimbo. What a relief. The sigh is like a world shattering Mexican wave reverberating from coast to coast. It's infectious, it's happiness. Now the world is without commercialisation for this Crimbo. Without the need to purchase tedious over rated advertised crap. Which you know isn't going to work, and you're not sure is the right thing to buy in the first place. Yes. The Grinch has gone and now he is a speck on the horizon.

Now it means I can go to sleep without worrying about some overweight man dressed in red dropping down the chimney pot. Worse still considering nobody now days actually has a chimney. Does this mean the white bearded fella is ace with a lock pick set? Well I suppose modern times mean modern solutions. He's probably tendered out the delivery arm to the local Chinese delivery service, or Pizza for those who prefer Italian. Except for this year, he'll be taking a break on account of the Grinch having stolen it and the white beard can be trimmed. Something to do. Something to pass the time old fella. I'm sure he'll be thanking the Grinch as well.

I'm off. Got to do something about this sudden green complection I've aquired.

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