Saturday, November 29, 2008

Electronic box of tricks - amazing

It's amazing what can be done with computers now days. When my school first had a computer it was locked up in a cupboard and had to be wheeled out on a trolley. At the time it cost thousands of pounds, which no doubt could of been more wisely spent on other amenities. But it was an object of awwe. The computer I now use is a good few years old but still works, just about. It does my needs. However, the amazing thing is how with a few key strokes it is possible to do online shopping for of my known associates. Fantastic. Wallet lighter, but of course it would be all thanks to this box here sitting quietly. Except for the fan humming away.

Regardless of the beauty of online shopping, the difficulty comes in searching, finding the right item to purchase. Not quite but fortunately it is nearly nailed for me and it's a good feeling. All with the help of a keyboard and a few electronic bits and pieces put together. What would I do without this box of tricks, I can only wonder. Sing the twelve days of Chrimbo no doubt.

These things get smarter all the time. Now all we need is a computer with artificial intelligence, then it can order Chrimbo presents for you and take the hassle out of demented Chrimbo anxiety attacks. Now if only it could cook a turkey as well, well I suppose us humans have got to do something for ourselves.

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