Sunday, November 09, 2008

The Royal Ramily are dotty to

After managing to actually extract myself from the house this morning I went and bought a newspaper, I even tried to get a hair cut but too many people had the same idea. I certainly wasn't going to wait for an hour or more. Because, plainly speaking, queuing is a waste of life. Sometimes though it can not be avoided then I pay the price for impatience.

Returning back to the newspaper. It was in this paper I found a revealing article about the late Queen mother. For those who don't know, it's old one who always had a nice granny smiley face and the nation warmed to with such enthusiasm. Yes remember her. The article was about a book recently written by an interviewer and reporter on a prestigious serious radio program. So in all sense of the word, his word and reputation is by all means his bond. He had met the queen mother in the 1990's just after coming back from an international meeting involving many European leaders. He mentioned this to the Queen mother and was taken back by her reply. Which I'll not print in full because it would be pretty politically incorrect, just to say there were some colloquial terms she used to describe the Italians, Spanish and French in quite a derogatory fashion. The reporter was taken back by this and unable to reply at the time. But fortunately for us, and unfortunately for them, he put the episode in his book. Her comments were to all intent and purposes those of a bigot and racist. I thought the episode quite funny. I'll expect it will also do his book sales no harm either lol.

The reason I smiled, is if we all look at our own families we can see there are members who show racist, bigoted and cretin like tendencies. If it were not for the fact there existed a blood tie these persons we would not associate with in any form. I've wondered personally about the notion of an adoption agency where it's possible to adopt new relatives. One's better to your liking. I'm nearly certain I was mixed up at birth and have been brought up in the wrong family. The world has not caught on to this adoption idea, but if enough people read this BLOG then it just might be possible to make this real.

Maybe in some small country it could be a real law. What a new world it could then become. So in reality, those embarrassing members of our families could be adopted away.

Mind it is good to know royalty has it's own portion of embarrassing family members. We all make bloomers at times. I see in the same paper an article about Prince William when he took an RAF helicopter on an errand run, to pick up his girlfriend. It went on to say if the RAF had known what his intentions were at the time he would not of been allowed his little taxi service. Now what is the old saying. I recall now, "with power comes corruption, with absolute power comes absolute corruption" something along those lines.

I expect though when this wonderful idea is taken up by a small Island maybe in the Pacific, I'll emigrate there. Of course I'm sure the Island will not be run by a monarchy and so long as I don't need a donor liver, kidney or some other useful part all will be OK.

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