Friday, January 15, 2010

Looking for a mate, vegetarian please

I was thinking earlier. Which is a dangerous thing, thinking. For you never know where it is going to take you, and then when some subject is given serious consideration all weird answers come up. Which although they have come about by mental effort and agility they non the less are pretty bizarre. I wouldn't use the term stupid. Just weird. It's a bit like the old Sherlock Holmes quote which goes along the lines of:

"...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth..."

Well my deductive thoughts were along the lines of, I needed a new friend. A mate. Someone I could talk to, have a pint with, confide and just do what friends do. The answer is difficult to come by for this kind of friend is the kind you might have over a number of years or most of your life. In my case as I've probably gone past the half way stage there's not so much time left for me to find such a person. If at all possible. Then my meandering thoughts came up with a possible solution. How about advertising for a friend? I chewed this over in my mind for a while. Then whether it is possible, and if I had to interview people how would I do it? What sort of questions would I ask? Or indeed would they need to see whether I pass the competency tests of being a mate? I even told Sparkling of this idea. She wondered if my situation is desperate, if things are really bad with me. I replied things were not bad with me at all. Actually I'm quite OK. Quite content in my lot. Having a friend would be nice though.

From some periphery there then came a comment. It was Rock Chick (whose foot is healing quite nicely for those concerned); Rock Chick's response was along the lines of: If I were to advertise for a friend, I'd probably get someone who would want to cut me up. Yes this was her input into my serious matter. She then went on to say, knowing my luck (that's me not her) my friend, I mean weirdo friend would then want my organs to eat. This was something my self reflection had not chanced upon. I mean, I was hoping my friend would be a Guinness drinking chit chat person and listener who wasn't too mad on football. Not someone who watched Jamie Oliver and wondered what his latest recipe would be like with some liver. My liver. It's funny how in a short time the solution to my problem had turned into another problem, an even worse problem. I'm sure Sparkling would have something to say if someone wanted my liver. I'd hope so. And not along the lines of it belonged to her so she should have a portion as well. I don't know where Rock Chick gets these things from. How on earth would such a thing be considered by her? There I was in la la land getting all nice and settled into the prospect of a mate and she comes along with a murderer. It's like I'm being stalked by someone who plays with ghosts and ghoolies, then tells them to go and get lost because she's got to wash her hair tonight. Sparkling though might of taken me with a little more decorum in my quest. She suggested we talk about it next time I see her.

But I will tell you something, for nothing, I'm not going to advertise for any bloody meat eating carnivores if this is the case. Blimey, do vegetarians have friends?

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