Friday, January 01, 2010

Do as the cat says and la femme demands

I've been away over Chrimbo with the company of Sparkling. To be more precise, Rock Chick, Dangerous Sports lad and the cat. For the duration I became the cat's property. He stamped it on me and reminded me every moment he could. Every door or window which needed opening was my duty to do it. He'd just stand there and let out a meow. Then if I showed insolence and he would meow again, and again, until either I woke up, moved or Sparkling shoved me with the sharp end of her elbow, followed by a demanding statement "the cat" or "Crazyfirdayman!" Meaning it was my duty. Sparkling laughed, she said I was the cat's bitch now.

Oli (Oliver) played with me. He treated me like a biology experiment, seeing how quickly I'd react, any time, day or night. I vaguely remember in a half sleep state, when Oli decided he needed to get onto the window sill behind the bed, he decided to just walk over me. In comatose state I could do nothing, no resistance would be given and he knew it. He used my head as a stepping stone to reach up and spring onto the sill. This is the extent to which Oli became my ruler. Sparkling didn't mind at all. For her it was keep it in the family. The man slave will do whatever Oli requires. I wasn't really a slave though. OK I might of spent my Chrimbo washing up dishes, cups, cutlery and the likes but. Even running in and out with juice drinks because her highness Princess Rock Chick asked. No I was not a slave. I did it all for love. Then at some point I noticed how this love thing and being tamed by the female species was working it's way on Dangerous Sports lad.

I witnessed how with training Rock Chick was spinning her tapestry of influence over the boy. How her influence was definitely marked on him. Oh how us simple men think we are independent and able bodied and brave. We are not. Not in the face of a woman's charm, not in the face of her subtle suggestions. A hypnotist could not do any better. Dangerous was changing, without doubt he was being moulded. Yet I could see him still struggling to exert his own influence, his own independence, even try and grasps control back. I know he will carry on the struggle, it's just a matter of time. Time will make him just a ball of putty in Rock Chick's hands. Mark my words. Enhance these words, underline them, put them in bold and italics. Yes, he may not even know it has happened but it will. For Sparkling's genetics are there, and Sparkling has taught Rock Chick well. The force is strong with this one Obi One Ken obi.

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