Monday, January 18, 2010

A special day at Sparkling's

I can never predict what will happen in the company of Sparkling Eyes and Rock Chick. All I know is I have to keep my wits about me. The thing is, even me wits aren't working fast enough. It's like when the pair of them are together sitting on the couch and their laser beam focus strays on the only man in the room (me) then I have to be very afraid. One plays off the other and together they become cats toying with a mouse who just doesn't know where to go. Me, I'm the mouse. But I'd probably not have it any other way. When I'm not around and washing up dishes or making myself generally useful it has now become Dangerous Sports lad's occupation to be the subject of these two. Sparkling has said she has him trained to the point all she has to do is say "cat" to make him get up and let the cat in the house or "dishes" to make him drift into the kitchen to wash up. We have been trained. Dangerous has now been trained early, which is great news for Rock. Oh yes just a catch up on Rock, she's doing a lot better with her foot bandaged up, and is walking about on one foot and the heel of the bandaged one.

It's Sparkling's special day. I gave her a couple of wrapped up items, at which she just felt or looked at them and told me what would be inside. Mind my choice was a little predictable, i.e. perfume and a scarf. But there is another item on the way which I told Sparkling will be received by post. Unfortunately it will not arrive today, however the good part is her curiosity will now be engaged, because she can not see the packaging of this item so can not accurately guess what it will be. So we shall wait in interest.

Rock Chick was chastised by the motherly wrath of Sparkling because she had failed to get a card. I felt sorry for Rock Chick and said it wasn't fair putting the screws on her because she could hardly get a chance to get out and buy a card. Sparkling was going to have nothing of the sort. Ten minutes later Rock Chick appeared with a card and a little prezzy, awwwe. She had used her ingenuity and taken a Chrimbo card, scored out the words not relevant and replaced them with "Birthday," awwwe. When Rock passed me the card and prezzy I felt for her because I could see the effects of guilt. Sparkling was chuffed she now had a card and laughed at the improvisation. She said it wasn't a matter about a present, it was the card which mattered. Although Sparkling had bought the prezzy for herself some time earlier, Rock Chick had found it and then decided to give it back to Sparkling. I think this is what you'd call the ultimate in recycling.

Rock likes the scarf thing I got Sparkling and it seems they will both be sharing the prezzies. Awwe. I been told Dangerous Sports lad is happy I am around because it will mean he doesn't have to do any more "dishes" for a while. L& B man sent me a picture text of himself sticking two fingers up at me, just to say he missed me and loved me in his own way. Rock Chick thinks there is something going on with him and I. I must admit to finding his sense of humour pretty funny at times, even if I'm the brunt of it on occasion. He also sent me a pick of his boots and said he was going to kick me up the backside with them lol.

Must go for now, Sparkling is off doing a Taxi run for Rock and Moma K.

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