Saturday, March 13, 2010

How to become an instant millionaire

It's quite easy really, there are no secrets either and anyone can do it. Although possibly a little more difficult for a man than a woman. The answer is not long winded either, but I'll give you a few extra answers just in case any one of them isn't enough in itself.

Marry one.

Move to Turkey.

Move to Zimbabwe.

Win the lottery.

Find out whether you are a long lost relative to Bill Gates, the Queen, the Sultan of Brunei

Take note of today's winning events, e.g. footy, horses, dogs, get in a time machine, go back to yesterday and bet an accumulator

Find a very rare mineral, liquid or artifact which somone else desperately wants.

Make a bomb which would blow up the world and hold us all to hostage.

Invent something no one can live without and get it patented first.

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