Sunday, August 08, 2010

Look out for stinky landmines

I had another weekend run this morning. It was around the same piece of heath land as my last run.  Before getting there there is however a steep hill to climb, or reduce to a snails pace.  I did notice I could get up the hill easier than my last runs so it must mean something is happening. Dare I even use the word fitter?  Possibly, would be the answer.  As I'd left it just a little bit later than last time there were more dog walkers to contend with.  My head kicks into gear with dogs and their walkers.  For instance, never suddenly speed up, never make either a bee line for the walker or for the dog, even if it would be the usual line to run on, if necessary slow down or run around an obstacle to put something between the dog and my wonderful looking chicken legs, without the gravy.  And of course never, ever carry a packet of pork sausages in your pocket.  Which stands to reason. The next point to bare in mind is to consider what they leave behind.  Dog shit.

I remember once being on holiday in a hot country and how shit would dry up pretty quickly, it would lose it's stink and then wouldn't be any bother when it came to treading on it, being more like a dejected Farley's rusk.  But in the UK because of our wonderfully wet weather, dog shit stays active for a long time.  It must be the humidity.  Like miniature landmines it just hangs about for days on end, waiting for some unsuspecting person who just took their eye of the path for one moment to step right in it.  Although there are a lot of dog owners out there who may even bother to clear up their dog's shit, there's just as many who don't..  These are the one's you'd just like to post their own dog shit through their letter box and see how they feel about it then.  But of course it doesn't happen, and if you do see someone allow their dog to shit, what are you going to do, stand there and have an argument, which then antagonises the dog who wants to protect the owner so decides it's time to show some teeth.  Local Council's put up notices for on the spot fines, but I must say I have never seen anyone get fined for their dog's shit. Don't get me wrong, I love dogs, it's just their shit I don't like.  I think they are wonderful animals, great companions and guards.  Responsible owners are fine, it's the irresponsible ones who need a lesson.  In my mind every dog should be chipped.  There'd be chip and shit fines then.  I don't know why I have deliberated so much on such a subject.  Especially as I didn't tread in any today.  Just to say, I did notice some large piles of it while out pounding the streets.  If I hadn't then my trainers would be stinking of it no doubt.


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