Sunday, August 15, 2010

Pigeons are still squating with no intention of leaving

The roofer eventually came to look at the tiles and try and find any nooks and crevices where the pigeons accessed their roost.  It's been three or four days now and still I wake up to the clatter of tiles.  Mr Roofer, wasn't quite sure whether he was would be able to correct the problem to start of with.  He hasn't.  I now am wondering what the next step is.  The little buggers or rather big flying rat-buggers have got an entrance point and Mr Roofer can not find it.  Does this now mean I have to research about pigeons?  Does it mean I have to become an expert?  Does it mean I have to go to the most drastic decision of re-roofing which will require a loan from the bank and years of repayments till it is sorted out.  Mr Roofer suggested the blighters could be entering the tiles from another adjacent property.  I continually keep going outside and looking up at the roof to see if I can see any pigeons.  Just in case I might catch sight of them entering via their secret passage way.  Thing is this secret entrance point is so good I can't see it, the roofer can't see it I'm beginning to think they cast some invisibility spell to access it.

For the past two days Sparkling and Rock have been without phone, internet or TV.  Their media provider has a fault.  Rock Chick in her surprise said to Sparkling "mum, so does this mean we are officially poor?"  It fortunately wasn't to do with non payment of bills.  I'm sure Sparkling is getting to a stage of facebook withdrawal symptoms.  Rock Chick in the meantime has been going through DVDs like a fish drinks water so must also be reaching saturation point.  Then again not being able to do much with a post operative wort less foot probably means she square eyed at this time anyway.  Rock has also got confirmation of her University place and a list of things she has to purchase.  Knives being one of them.  Being she's going to be into the cooking thing.  I wonder if they will teach her how to wash up as well?  In fact it could be one of her first lessons, a sink with a thousand dishes and instructions on how to clean different types of food stuffs.  Just to get her to understand.  It's a fault I'm sure all teenagers have, not understanding when they cause a mess they should clean up after themselves.

My niece the Bam Bam girl begins her first day at work tomorrow.  She is doing a training course at a local hotel.  It may be shop work, but I spoke to her on the phone and she was so excited over the whole thing.  It just makes me so very happy for her.  Especially when seeing her mother who shys away from work like water sticks to Dracula.  If of course you have ever noticed from the Dracula films, he never gets wet.  Well this is the image of her mother and work, or to mix comparisons, oil and water.  It makes me sick of knowing a member of my own family just would rather scrounge of the welfare system than find her own way into work.  My tax money has been paying her welfare for years.  But the world is changing, watch this space.  Yes, Bam Bam girl is happy and excited and is taking the initiative and doing it for herself.  Something which has to be admired.

I managed to have a short chat with Sparkles this afternoon, which was very nice.  Is always very nice talking to her.  For a moment the subject of Sparkles working in my Fish Factory came up.  I shuddered the thought. Being I've now got on the middle rung of Fish.  Quite frankly my dear Sparkles would ensure I am held account to everything, no matter how small it was I did.  She thinks the power would go to my head.  Thing is I'm the least power wielding person I could know.  There's just too much work to be getting on with than being a megalomaniac.  Anyway, after getting up at four thirty in the morning because of the pigeons, it takes me most of the day to wake up.  Bloody things.  I wonder if i can get a double barrelled shot gun of eBay and a good recipie from Rock Chick?

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