Monday, August 16, 2010

Now reached the 502nd blog, yippee

Well I've broken the 500 blog mark now.  Yes.  It's hard to believe.  Last year I went crazy and blogged a lot, this year I've been a little lax.  This blog is the 502 blog I have written, doesn't time fly when you're enjoying yourself.  Which sounds a bit perverse, lets not go along this track.  But you know what I mean. 

I had another text from my niece today.  It was her training day and she was told they definitely want her for the job as a sales assistant.  She is so happy I can sense it each time she sends a text.  She may not be the sharpest tool in the box (which I put this down to age) but she certainly is a tryer.  It's fantastic news.  And unbelievably she was only on the dole for one week.  I am happy as well.  It's amazing how a little bit of good news can go a long way in a day. 

I can't say the same for night.  I think I must of been abducted by aliens, at some point last night I went to bed, read a little then slept.  The rest is a complete blank.  I woke up later than usual at 7:00 a.m and it wasn't the pigeons.  I felt refreshed and couldn't believe I'd slept.  The funny thing was I think I woke up in the same position I fell asleep in.  Weird.  It's quite natural to toss and turn during sleep.  So it has got to be alien abduction.  Those pesky aliens are sticklers for putting everything exactly back in the same place they found it.  I hope next time they can do something about my teeth.  A fresh white set would be great, they can take the old ones out and experiment on them.  Oh yes, and as long as I wake up with no memory and completely happy with my sleep.

I was in the gym this evening and felt my usual fat self.  It was a drag, but I'm definitely getting fitter.  I don't think I should of gone to the Chinese eat-as-much-as-you-like because it probably defeats the two hours of exercise I did.  I'm wondering if I should start building my chest up, and my shoulders.  I am catching on to this theory about big muscles.  It goes along the line of, the bigger the muscles you have when they are resting the more calories they burn.  So you can basically do very little and know your body is going to sort itself out.  The only problem is getting the big muscles in the first place, which takes a little effort.  Of course the other asset would be a bigger chest could hide my man boobs or moobs as someone once said.  Then I can stop an idea of a training bra.  Age really does do things to you, things you couldn't even contemplate when you're young and life is so wonderful.  Where is the elixir of youth?  I don't know, but I wish I bloody did.

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