Monday, August 30, 2010

Plumbing don't mix with books

OK, got the Fish Factory tomorrow and am wondering whether I should wear a suit, or if a plane shirt tie and set of boxers is enough.  It's because I'll be going to represent the Fish Factory at a Fish Court.  Thing is will the judge like my boxer's?  I mean some just don't go for it.  But I'm not going to know because this is my first time.  It will be interesting.  What do I do? What do I say?  Should I buy some gum before I start the day?  You know.  Just in case a bad case of crap-breath turns arises.  I'm sure I can cope.  It's the others I should be worried about.  Well it's a new experience and part of being a middle fishy now.  It will be fine.  I'm sure.  Though I'd of liked a few minutes chat with Sparkling just to get her view on things.  Then maybe it would be a bad idea, she might get me to doubt myself, play a little of her funny magic.  The kind which confuses me and makes me wonder what day of the week it is.  What a fine mess I'd be in then. 

Sparkling, Sparkling where are you?  Again it's been a few days since we had a chat.  The evening I thought I was going to have a chat on there was no response.  Hey Sparkles, are you avoiding me?  I know your not.  It's just they got you running around so much at your Fish Factory there's not enough time in the day for you to get sleep.  Sleep takes greater precedence than chit chatting with Crazyfirdayman honey.  I understand.  But I wonder even if you do get back late maybe one night we could have a brief chat.  OK I know you will want me to rub your feet but I can't because I'm not there.  But I could rub mine.  I got this mango body butter, it smells really nice and once in a while just rub it in my hands if they get too dry.  It's nice.  But not as nice as seeing you honey.  Which will be soon.  Once I book the blooming ticket, then you can get me to do the gardening, rub your feet and fix the fog horn sounding toilet.  Damn, this reminds me to watch the DIY plumbing DVD i bought the other day.  Just in case there is some tips.  If only there were evening classes on basic manning up.  Doing man things.  My forte is more of reading books, thinking, and drinking coffee.  So yes honey, wherever you are at this moment, am missing you and can't wait to see you.  Mwah.  I think Sparkles will get the message.

I hear Dangerous Sports Lad has returned from his sojourn.  Rock and Dangerous were so overwhelmed when they saw each other after six weeks, Sparkles said they had tears in their eyes. Awwwe, wonderful young love.  Every time I see Sparkles I want to smile and tell her she looks beautiful.  I then hear after a day the two of them had an argument.  Blimey I thought, even me and Sparkles don't argue after one day, well usually two or three, by then I've done something which deserves a slapping into place.  I mean a verbal slapping though usually I deserve it, I'm sure.  Well to tell the truth I'm not sure.  Which is all part of the Sparkles magic.  It must be those eyes.  It's because Rock Chick hasn't quite got Dangerous round her little finger, it takes a little work.  Once he's been in her company for a week or more, he'll be throwing his coat in puddles for her and doing back flips at Rock's command.  After all if there's anything, Sparkles is the best teacher Rock can have, look at me.  No please don't.  Hundreds of miles away and just can't stop thinking about Sparkles.   Well, just to say, the days will start counting down as soon as I book my ticket, which will probably be on Wednesday.  Tomorrow I got gym.  Hey a man's gotta try and man up even if he's better with books than with taps, washers and spanners.

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