Sunday, October 28, 2012

A talk cushion and catch up

Well in order to get some sleep I have been out twice today, once for a short walk and once for a bicycle ride.  On the walk I was accompanied by Princess Talkative who doesn't talk a great deal.  For the bike ride some hours later it was Little Monster Boy, who is starting not to be so little.  He made up for what Princess Talkative didn't do, he talked and talked all the time.  As per usual I asked him whether he had spoken to anyone today and he said no.  At which my reply was I am a talk cushion, a bit like a pin cushion but instead you just talk to me.  He still didn't stop talking.  There are few people in this world who have a propensity to continuous jabbering but he is one of them for sure.  It didn't matter because I love is company and I hope he enjoys mine just as much. Not only this, he has loaned me a copy of a Star Trek film so I can re watch it.  One of his greatest passions at 11 years of age is Star Trek. To the extent he has repeatedly watched episodes and knows more about it than any other subject.  If there were an A' level in Star Trek I am sure he would pass it right now.  In fact there should be an A' level in it.  There is a lot one can learn from science fiction TV, live the universe, everything.

Princess Talkative is getting taller.  It's surprising how quickly children grow up, but what they remember most is how they were treated by adults and then they will carry this around with them all of their life.  Further they will remember how they treated other adults.  Which reminds me of Rock Chick who for several years while growing up absolutely hated me.  I know it was a matter of childhood jealousy and was just the ways she was, she'd get over it.  She realises now.  The thing is she is at a point where she values me like a father.  The other night she wanted a blether, so I rang her up and we had a chat which lasted an  hour and half.  It was just so good catching up with her and hearing how happy she is with Dangerous Sports Lad.  They are both happy, young and in love, awwe what a wonderful place to be in life.  With a little prawn on the way, first trimester only a couple of weeks away.  How Dangerous will be changing into a more responsible man is likely to be on the books.  If only he didn't act like his hormones were changing more than Rock's hormones.  She's got a good reason to be vomiting and moody.  He's just a plain drama queen in need of being put into place.  Which Rock does freely and often.  In time though, I hope he gets to understand being a drama queen should be left to those who have a thing for amateur dramatics, not to young men about to become fathers.  I've been told I will be a pops.  I'm so happy to be pops, because granddad seems so very old fashioned and makes me out to be old as well.  OK, I might be a little over the hill but I don't feel it, even if Sparkling keeps saying she has to trade me in for a younger model. Sometimes getting older is about find a comfort zone and staying in it, comfortably.  I can't be having all those shocks and crisis, it puts me on edge.  Be relaxed, it's the best way to take on the world.  If shit happens it's best to be chilled about it, because worry or fraught nerves don't help in any situation.  Then I am a hypocrite and can't always keep to this ideal, but at least I try.  Unless I'm being tried by someone else of course.

It feels like a long time since I have seen Sparkling.  It's the sense of touching her I miss, even rubbing her feet with cream to help her relax.  It gives me meaning.  Having someone you love right next to you, just so you can touch them or talk to them about how their day has been is a mutual comfort.  I reach out with telephone conversations and text messages and then can't wait until the next time I get to see Sparkles.  Her beautiful smile and shinning eyes, it warms me up inside. Also when in bed it's much easier to get to sleep with someone next to you, it helps the insomnia, I think so.  Maybe I should get a teddy bear.  There is something to be said about teddy bears.  Monster Boy has one, or did have one.  When I was a growing up boy I'm sure I had one as well.  I don't know at what stage it disappeared.  I expect it got tatty and was thrown in the bin.  The is no doubt, the tattyiest teddies or the most loved ones there are, just as the oldest people in a family are the most loved as well.  Even the potty ones.

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