Monday, October 01, 2012

Things to think about when living healthier

Today I half re-started a healthier life style, only one piece of toast for breakfast, only one plate full at the eat-as-much-as-you-like Chinese, and only one nectarine for supper.  This evening I have walked for one hour, I've weighed myself as well.  It isn't a good weight and just confirms what is already known, I'm fat.  It no doubt will take a long time to lose weight and there is a lot of effort which is going to be needed.  Maintenance decisions.  Like making my own lunch rather than buying from cafés. This all takes time, time to hit the supermarket, time to then chop up, combine, flavour and box up foodstuff.  Inconvenience of then carrying said foodstuff with me and storing it until lunch.  I thought about this while at lunch and wondered whether it was actually better to go without eating anything.  Have a coffee, then in the evening make something when at home.  The problem is, the longer you go without food, when it does come to eating you're more likely to gorge yourself.  Well I am, plus drinking alcohol tends to make me want to eat chips, so I've not been to the pub or eaten chips either.  So for one day, I have been relatively sensible.  Except losing weight takes a lot of time and a lot of effort and has to be persevered over months.  Just as we are coming into Chrimbo and the time of gluttony.  I can't think of a more perfect reason to be dieting and a more perfect trying period.

I've just tried to work out many calories a walk for one hour burns up.  Apparently this is related to the speed of the walk and how much you weigh.  For me it works out at about 5 calories a minute, and there I was thinking it to be in the region of 8 calories per minute.  Way less than estimated, no wonder it takes so bloody long to lose weight.  There is no doubt about it, I'm going to have to consider reducing food portion sizes as well.  I saw a TV program which announced we do not have to eat the size portions we do.  It's not necessary at all.  Whether I like my food or not, but I do, this is an important factor.  To be serious in this life choice I'm going to have to change my name to Rabbit Man, and eat lots of green vegetable things.  Then I wonder, if this is day one, how are the successive days going to pass.  The other thing I found out was for every ten years a person ages their metabolism slows down by 5 percent.  This is not a helpful factor in weight loss and old age.  If my metabolism slows down any further I'll be in suspended animation. But, I've heard green tea is good to increase metabolism, so have drank about 3 cups of it today.

The problem is, there are just too many temptations around me as well.  I have to put things out of sight, like biscuits.  For it's as though there is some automatic must each mechanism my body runs by.  Without realising it I can tuck into a few biscuits and dunk them in a cup of tea very easily.  Even if a second on the lips is an inch on the hips, it's this automatic response I have to be conscious of.  It has to be made non automatic.  Or should I be saying, hide from sight or you'll never fit in those tights.  I could go for this saying were I a Shakespearian actor, but I'm not.  So it will have to be some other more apt ditty.

Lastly, I could use the scare tactic like the government does on cartons of cigarettes.  You know the ones "smoking kills" and "smoking harms unborn babies."  The reality is putting weight on will lead to an early death, live healthy and live longer.  Feel better and then get to see more of the people you love, the young ones as they to grow up in the world.  This is a compelling thought.  OK Rabbit Man tomorrow, don't forget to purchase some celery!  Will do fat boy.

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