Sunday, October 07, 2012

Blistered feet scream...and noise

My feet are taking a right bashing at the moment.  It began when I put on a new pair of boots which had been kept in their box for about a year.  There was a little rubbing on a heal.  I thought nothing of it at first, it was just a little irritation, however the more footsteps taken the more accumulated this rubbing had become.  The pain didn't come straight away, not while the boots were being worn, it happened afterwards.  A few hours into my normal shoes and I realised my right heal hurt, like it was being pinched.  Later in the day when I took those shoes off to put the same boots on I noticed blood through the sock.  They had rubbed too much.  Now my heal will be in pain whenever I wear anything on this foot.  Saturday I didn't go anywhere and vegged out.  Today I went for a Sunday walk and thought I'd put on my old boots, ones which are well and truly worn in.  Just to imagine I was on the brink of throwing them away.  I had previously taken out a pair of leather innner-soles and put them in the new boots.  Today I then walked for just over two hours.  I got home took my boots off and now have at least three very large blisters on the soles.  It's been like walking on glass, pretty painful. So now its a matter of putting up with self inflicted pain and where the hell are the plasters?  Feet, the one thing you can not live without.  They are used every day and if you abuse them they shout out loud like a small child who has just had it's ice cream nicked on a hot sunny day.  High pitched and screaming, which is exactly what these feet are doing now.  But just to think in a week's time they will be so touch I'll be able to break bricks with them like a karate expert.  If not at least walk a few hours and not get more blisters.

During the walk I stopped off at a supermarket where there was a coffee house franchise.  I sat inside and drank an Americano listening to the radio on my phone.  For some reason supermarkets are noisy places.  But it's not just supermarkets, it's any building where there is a lack of soft furnishings.  Any place which does not account for the human hear, how important it is to have peace.  It could be old age but noise has a great effect on me nowadays. I have difficulty in hearing what people say when they do not speak loud enough in a noisy place.  I get distracted by external noise when trying to concentrate.  Work can not be done in an environment where there is too much noise, especially when the work is cognitive, it seems employers do not understand this.  Large buildings are put up, they resemble aircraft hangers or multi-story car parks, vast big and with hard surfaces which reflect sound.  Walking into a room with no furnishing and sound echoes, it has no where to be absorbed, it is the worst place to be.  Like my screaming feet walls scream loudly as well.  Poor human beings are soft things, we then are left to absorb the noise.  Right through the ear canal and straight into the brain.  Sometimes i wonder if it would be an advantage to suffer from a little bit of deafness.  Were I able to turn down a hearing aid and not be confused by the sounds around me then I'd be able to really concentrate.  I got tinnitus now but this doesn't help when in conjunction with migraines.  So my feet scream the walls scream and my brain screams as well.  One day my head will explode with it all.  I just will not be able to take it in.  It'll be like an exploding mellon as it's hit by a dum-dum bullet.  Brains spattered all over the place.  The good side will be at least my feet will stop hurting.  Memo to self, if brain explodes make sure it is while out on a long Sunday walk.

I expect all this screaming is part of the modern age, it's one of those things which is unavoidable.  Like seeing people on trains constantly doing things, playing with their mobile phones, reading tablets.  Not much quite brain stuff goes on.  There just too many things happening and too many demands.  I wonder if in the future the brain will adapt and change to these constant demands put on it.  It can't all be left to just falling asleep.  A moment of quite each day is like an elastic band going from stretched to relaxed.  At the moment my feet are up resting, and will probably be resting as much as possible with these blisters.  The same should go for seeking a non noisy place.  A place where no thinking and no noise can distract.  Which doesn't mean waiting for a head explosion.  Where are those plasters?  And what is the biggest one there look like?

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