Monday, October 22, 2012

Winter and a first scan...Pops

Winter is well and truly on its way.  As I wake up in the morning my body is reluctant to get out of bed.  It is warm and relaxed and says in loud woolly words "leave me alone" but my head says in return "it's 6 a.m. time to get up sleepy."  OK this is an odd conversation to have with yourself but I wouldn't mind betting there's a few people who have the same internal conversation as the winter cloak of darkness smothers out the sun.  I do very much enjoy a lay in bed, but the lays in bed and the enjoyment of it are being more demanding.  Maybe I'm just about ready to hibernate, I'll go to bed and never wake up for another 6 months only to find all my fat stores have been eaten away by a good long sleep.  Then in spring 2013 I'll be the new me, two or three stone lighter and so looking a lot fitter and handsome than I am now.  Though probably sporting a bit of a beard at the same time.  I'd imagine I'd have to have a really good brush of my teeth if such an event took place.  Maybe three or four brushes and as many mouth washes.  The last thing I'd need is to wake up during hibernation and find it necessary to book an appointment with the dentist.  He to could be in hibernation and am sure would be upset by the phone call.  I could go on about teeth but will leave it there.  I wonder if it would be necessary to sleep in some suspended jelly like substance and have an oxygen mask strapped to my face.  The jelly providing essential vitamins and waters to the body as it dwells in slumber land. But at present a nice cosy bed seem to be doing it.  Awwe lovely.

I had some news today.  Rock Chick had been for her first pregnancy scan and is ten and a half weeks pregnant. She was told the prawn has a strong heart beat and she's got me a copy of the scan.  Dangerous Sports Lad will be going through a lot as well.  Rock has the impression his hormones are worse than hers.  She might be puking every five minutes but he's having hissy fits every two minutes.  What a big girl's blouse.  I'm going to be called Pops (thankfully not granddad) and the thought of it did make me emotional as well. But I'm not a big girl's blouse.  Sparkling is over the moon, she said it was one of the best days of her life.  I don't think she knits, but it won't stop her from going out and buying little booties I'm sure. Personally, I've become interested in pregnancy and have googled what it's about, learning terms such as trimester etc.  Intellectually i can cope with babies, but physically I'm a little scared of them.  It's the teeth, no the gums. I'm one of those blokes who likes to keep away from them. Even though I'm now a great uncle, it's my great nephew who cries every time I get too close to him.  Or he takes on an alarmed look, like I could be the big bad wolf.  For me, it's not so good knowing I'm I have a face which scares babies, or worse makes them shit their nappies. Let me get acquainted when they have grown up a little more and can even say a couple of words.  Much more fun, and it's at five or six years football becomes possible.  I was never made to be in this position, give me someone who can converse in English not babble and blubber, or worse scream.  Sparkling is somewhat exhausted from the events of the day and although she's working this evening, good news like this and the realisation of what it all means is wonderful and exhausting emotionally at the same time.  I know, I was nearly a blubbering idiot while drinking my lunchtime coffee in the pub.  Again I stress not a big girl's blouse. Fortunately the pub was quite, I sat with tears in my eyes and a big grin on my face.  I don't know why, I just did.  Even now if I think too much about it I get chuffed up. It's a matter of being cautiously happy and just seeing how things go, but it's blooming wonderful news anyway.

For some reason it has been foggy today.  I was only thinking about the fog last week when I saw a picture in my phone.  It's of a wet street and gentle fog at night time.  The lights reflecting off wet pavements and further objects being misted out.  The mist makes a halo like effect, light sources appear fuzzy and their colours spill out as though on a smudged painting.  Very romantic and artistic.  Then I wondered how many times you might actually see scenes like this.  It's been at least a year since I last did. Again it is a combination of winter and the wet damp conditions when it is seen.  Leaves are dropping off trees and they look still on foggy days, for there is never much wind about when there's fog about.  Funny thing it is too, maybe if there was a wind it would blow the fog away.  Yes, winter is coming and it has began with a pretty significant event.  Just call me Pops..

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