Wednesday, October 10, 2012

What day is it?

I don't know why but at lest three times today I have asked different people "what day is it?"  As though a day has been lost.  Or even something strange has happened with time.  There are days when the demands are high, where meetings, phone calls, conversations, items of work don't stop.  Where even the day before was heavy and it is still waiting to be swept under the carpet, because for now there it sits on top of a desk, spilling over with little room for pens, pencil, phone or diary.  Yesterday is waiting even with today being here now and also needing to be dealt with.  As today progresses there are then demands of it's very own, demands which come right up to your face and slap you in the face, they say "give me attention now, I don't care what you were doing, I am now, deal with me."  This could be the reason why "what is today?" Has to be asked.  It is like looking at a map and establishing where you are in order to get to your destination.  However, in today's case I couldn't place today on the map yet knew it had to be somewhere, some place and importantly at some time.  It isn't Tuesday, it isn't Thursday.  Today is Wednesday, it is mid-week, but more so it is the slope downwards to the weekend, to two days of rest. Hopefully.  And today is nearly over as well.  It's odd, but I have also spoken to Sparkling and she has been in the same dilemma as I have, also asking the same question.

Sparkling however has not been sleeping well the last couple of nights.  She had to be at the docs to get a sample of blood taken from a vampire for analysis.  It meant having to rise early and be prepared.  Which could of been on her mind and prevented her from sleeping as soundly.  I asked if she knew what time she woke up, but Sparkles told me it was an all night kind of restlessness.  I woke up at 3 a.m., I know because I checked my alarm and wondered when I woke up whether I still had more time to sleep until 6 a.m., there was plenty but again I felt cheated of sleep on the second wakening.  So this is the second factor which has played a role.  A role in orientation.

Now as the day finishes, I hang up my gun slinger's belt, take off my spurs and at last can relax.  Sparkling is making soup, lentil, she says it relaxes her, and Rock will be given a portion.  Rock is pregnant and has the boke, but may find the soup does the trick.  It's like ginger nut biscuits which apparently are also a good thing to eat if you're pregnant and tending to heave an at the slightest thing.  It's Wednesday today and shortly it will be Thursday, all is well, this ship is sailing through a mist, a fuzzy mist, but the gentle glow of a light, and an intermittent bell ring tells me.  All is well, all is clear, tomorrow is another day and will not need to be caught up with.  Not yet anyway.

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