Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Baby is born today

It was going to happen, it was on the cards, we were all ready for her, and yes today Babyfro was actually born. She might not be able to read, write or quote Confucius as I'd thought earlier, but she certainly knows where her mum's tit is.  Little Babyfro isn't so much of the little as she was born at 11:10 a.m. this morning she weighed in at 8 pounds and 5 ounces. Sparkling tells me she is the most beautiful little girl ever and looks like Dangerous. Which is wonderful news, he's worn curly long hair so no doubt baby will have beautiful long curly hair as she grows up. Dangerous is so happy he can't stop looking at her. Rock Chick must be so relieved the whole pregnancy and giving birth is over. To show how strong Rock is she gave birth only taking gas and air in the way of anaesthetics.  Rock is such a tough girl. She is so incredibly strong and has a high pain threshold. I recall how Sparkling would take Rock to the dentist and she would have her teeth sorted without any anaesthetics, but to endure the entire process of giving birth as well would suggest Rock is superwoman.  Sparkling is so proud and so happy with all of them and they are all so happy and in awe of such a beautiful little dark haired girl.

I spoke to Sparkling this evening and she told me about the entire event. She'd been sent home from the hospital with Dangerous at about 10:00 p.m. which is some kind of watershed time for kicking out people in the maternity ward. Well, except of course for mothers in the process of labour. Rock and Dangerous went home. They were told to wait until midnight and try again. I don't know if they did return at this time but they stayed up. Eating biscuits and crisps, Sparkling said she needed to hoover up. They went to bed to sleep at some point. Sparkling tells me she was laying on her bed in her clothes, just waiting for a call at any moment so she could then dash back up to the hospital in her car. I'm sure both of them hardly slept at all. In the meantime Rock Chick had been put on a drip. This has some kind of stimulant in it to help induce the labour further. Sparkling said there was a phone call at about 8:00 a.m., then like a bat out of hell she dashed down the stairs and shouted on Dangerous to move himself.  They rushed about and headed to the hospital.  When they got there Rock was having labour pains and regular contractions, at some point she was 2 cm dilated. It was going slow, she wanted to push but was told not to by the nurse. Not yet.  Sparkling had to head out to make a phone call and update family.  Dangerous was great, he held Rock's hand and supported her, he kept calm and composed, he was the perfect partner.  The labour continued.  Sparkling returned and to her surprise Rock had now dilated to 9 cm, all within a very short period of time.  Rock wanted to push, the nurse told her to slow down. Dangerous kept her calm, measured Rock's breathing kept pace with her and kept her relaxed.  Then within a short while Rock gave birth. Little babyfro was born to this world. She was crying when she saw the light. Yep, she liked being comfortable and warm inside her mum's belly. She would of stayed there and taken pre school classes if she could.  Rock had now become Mommy Rock and Dangerous was now Daddy Dangerous. Sparkling is now the glamorous nanny Ga Ga, and I'm Pops.

Little Babyfro or rather, quite large babyfro has been a long time coming, or so it seems but when I think about it the time has gone by very fast. It makes me so happy we now have another addition to our family.  When Sparkling told me of the events which happened this morning I was on edge with every word she spoke. Sparkling is so happy with the most beautiful new family in Scotland.

Rock Chick will be staying in hospital over night to now recover, she had gone an entire night with no sleep and now they have to keep an eye on her as her blood pressure is up. In consideration all is well, all is so very well indeed.

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