Sunday, February 15, 2009

Connected at last

Today I have regained my Internet connection and the use of computer, with a lot of help from the little man from Hong Kong. I can surf the net, communicate with Sparkling, download, upload, read email, blog, order from online amazon, eat cakes galore and run the marathon in under 59 minutes. It is like a miracle being connected again. However, it also made me stop and consider life outside of my computer, outside of constant DVD's, online game sites and chit chatting. It has meant a moment of reflection away from dominance. I've also realised how crap the TV has been. How sad human beings we are without TV, Internet or any other electrical thing which is supposed to make our life easier but actually ends up becoming an addictive toy. Which removes the reality of the world. The reality of flesh and bones, of people, of real interactions.

I had the talkatives come today, they have a new dog, called Misty. She's a cross of three different breads, but like their other dog is very affectionate and enjoys a good walk. When they arrived I was in the middle of a shave and part of me dreaded the thought of what the next few hours were going to be like. But I really did enjoy their visit. It ended up being short and sweet, four and a half hours later they were off back home, until the next time.

I am so happy I can now chat to Sparkling on MSN. I'm sad though I could not be up to see her the last few days. Rock Chick has gone off to a party on the West Coast of Scotland. So Sparkling has been without company. I tried to ring her last night and left two messages on her phone. I sent a bouquet of flowers for Valentines day and a card. Mind I had thought about purchasing a year's membership to the AA (Automobile Association). For some reason Sparkling had laughed at this notion and told me not to bother. I sure am glad I went for the flowers though. Last year I got Sparkling just a card, and then the next month I paid for it in guilt trips. It seems even if a woman says No, and a man thinks No is quite simply No, it actually means Yes. No wonder men are often considered to be from another planet. When in reality maybe it's the women who come from another planet. Planet Contradiction. It's about second and even third guessing, and seeing if you get it right. I'm not so good at this, but probably improving as the years go by. Now if only I can improve my practical skills, carpenter, plumber, bricky, car mechanic, gas man etc. But I am a mere mortal, oh dear, just have to take up blog writing instead.

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